GK going up for corners/taking FKs


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Game weekend (u18), blue vs red. Blue winning 6-1 with 30 mins to go and very comfortable. Blue keeper starts coming up for everything - taking all the FKs, going up for corners. His team mates revel in the fun of it all and all having a laugh every time. Red team was getting demoralized and I feared some VC/SVP could occur.
At break in play, I speak to the keeper and tell him it is very disrespectful to the opposition as we have all been on the end of a thumping and never like to see the opposition doing these type of things. I tell him while there is nothing against the laws in what he is doing, I ask him respectfully to remain back.
He does, but isn't happy. I call him over at the end of the match with his coach and explain again why I made the request. The coach agrees with my request.

Now, the same keeper was already on a yellow. After the red's scored their only goal, I blew the whistle for blue's kick-off, and after I blew my whistle, I noticed the GK was not in goal. Noticed him on the half way at the sideline with the coach. He ran back on before any damage was done. At the next break in play, I cautioned him for leaving the field without referees permission.

My question really is what tools, if any, we have to crack down on this type of behaviour where on team is hammering another and they start being (in my opinion) disrespectful. There wasn't any single incident by a blue player towards a red player I could use, just general team disrespect.
A&H International
i dont think you can do anything about disrespectful play / skill etc, will happen at any level of the game. you can have a word but that can probably go one of two ways as well, happily it worked for you

just checking your penultimate paragraph, are you saying you 2nd yellowed the keeper? was he off the field of play? either way i think it's harsh (at that level, despite being correct in law - assuming he was off the field of play) and there's a learning point for you to check where the keeper is before you restart as you'd have totally avoided the situation if so
Thanks @es1. No, sorry - the yellow I gave for leaving the field of play was the first, and only card, I gave the keeper.
Thanks @es1. No, sorry - the yellow I gave for leaving the field of play was the first, and only card, I gave the keeper.

ah right, i thought you meant he was on a yellow when it happened!

so correct in law for sure, but i'd still be hesitant to caution someone for it in that situation. sounds like a contradiction i know
Spanner in the works here. If the gk has indeed, left the fop without permission, and then he ran bk on before any damage was done , did he enter the fop without permission after having left it?

That aside, yip, harsh reminder at the restart folllowing a goal, check all players in own half, one of which must be the gk.

Re the showboating, lack of respect, I think gentle nudges is about alll you can do, its not much, but, its something, Try enlist help from the teams sensible player, captain etc?

when I was new to senior football and on the line one afternoon, local derby, 3-0, ten to go, home fans lapping it up, esp their star player, who used to play for the rivals. He was doing tricks, flicks, perfectly legal, entertaining, perfectly legal, but no other way around it , taking the pss.
The way the ref dealt with it i found clever, first chance he got, he said in passing to xxxxxxx, " Marks told me he is gonna smash you if you keep that up, be careful"
Of course, Mark, the away team hatchet man. had said no such thing......
ref was mindful/fearful that the player was risking retribution with his tricks and in turn risking his own safety, ( pointless with the game won), and obv thinking ahead to the resultant red card and no doubt flare up.

i get it was a request, which seems to have worked, so, good, but its certainly not in our remit to advise anyone to stay anywhere on the pitch, bar right half at kicks off etc. if it saved the injury and red and flare up, then job done
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There is nothing in law about where the keeper can and can't go, as long as he stays on the pitch and only uses his hands in his own area. Don't think I'd be getting involved at all there.

That said, I can see why it riled the opponents. Back when I coached I moved my keeper up front when we were 5-0 up at half time and the opposition properly chucked their toys out of the pram saying it was disrespectful. They weren't in full possession of the facts though as the keeper used to be a centre forward and had been nagging me for a game outfield all season.