Hi everyone!

Kieran W

Well-Known Member
Hi all,

Just thought I'd introduce myself. I'm 16 and are currently still playing at the moment but are hanging up the striker's boots at the end of the season to become a referee. Been looking around the site for a while now and there are some great threads with lots of useful advice.

Does anyone have any advice for when I take the course? e.g. preparation or training

A&H International
Welcome Kieran, I hope you enjoy your time on the site!

Lots of members with varieties of experience, so lots of helpful information!

Any questions, please don't hesitate to ask!

Out of interest, which County will you be qualifying with?
Thanks guys, I've been reading the laws quite a lot recently but there's always something new to learn :)

@DanCohen17 I'll be qualifying with Derbyshire FA
If its any help, my prep included reading over the LOTG a few times, reading over assorted threads on this forum (esp Match Incidents)' and doing the questions on areferee.com (not all answers are correct so use this in conjunction with LOTG).
Thanks Mick, that sites helpful because it gives you an idea of the questions that will be asked, even though there's some dodgy answers :)
Can't be too far from me Kieran... I live in Staffordshire but did my course with Birmingham.

Welcome by the way!!
Haha, oh god, this is what happens when you have multiple tabs open!

Get used to being called four-letter names that aren't your own ;)

(Sorry Kieran... welcome all the same!)