The Ref Stop

Whatever happened to humour?

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RefChat Addict
Level 6 Referee
Is it me or has this forum lost its sense of humour? The craic that was often apparent seems to have dwindled rapidly recently. We seem to have become offended (sometimes on behalf of others!) for the slightest of reasons.......
And whatever happened to that funny feller....@sheffields finest.....he's not posted for at least 24 hours............that @Ciley Myrus hasn't been around for a bit either.....
The Ref Stop
I find this offensive. Please delete.
Perhaps we should explore the reasons you find this offensive in the interests of equality and diversity so as to advise our members where the boundaries of political correctness and good taste lie?

Would you care to expand?
There is humour and then there is humour that crosses the line. When it generates formal complaints, and if posted on a social media site under your own name would 100% generate an FA E3 misconduct charge, that line has been crossed.
So long as we can make the distinction i don't think we would have a problem. Humorous posts that can be found offensive by some, generally acceptable. What i find more often now ppl posting offensive material with a humerus spin which is not acceptable.
And whatever happened to that funny feller....@sheffields finest.....he's not posted for at least 24 hours
I see what you mean. Has he been naughty?
Humour is more difficult when the format of communication is written. Misunderstanding is easily achieved and the new world is so PC it's difficult at times to avoid slipping up
Humour is more difficult when the format of communication is written. Misunderstanding is easily achieved and the new world is so PC it's difficult at times to avoid slipping up
Very true but don't be fooled when Ppl take advantage of that fact and make excuse for their offensiveness by saying it's misunderstood humour.

Like everything you have to judge it on its merits.
Very true but don't be fooled when Ppl take advantage of that fact and make excuse for their offensiveness by saying it's misunderstood humour.

Like everything you have to judge it on its merits.
You're only as good as your weakest post, which is a problem as I've dropped some clangers! :oops: (Especially after a few sherbets :facepalm:)
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There is humour and then there is humour that crosses the line. When it generates formal complaints, and if posted on a social media site under your own name would 100% generate an FA E3 misconduct charge, that line has been crossed.
Care to enlighten us @RustyRef? I'm not sure which post crossed the line?
It was deleted very quickly following a formal complaint so I doubt many people saw it.

As per the forum rules, as mods we don't have to explain ourselves as to why posts are removed.
Have you ever thought of telling those that complain that a post is acceptable or are we in a position where that post is deemed to be offensive just because of a complaint?
Indeed, are there serial complainers whose act of complaining should attract a warning or ban?
Asking about the post was the only way I thought could help the rest of us not fall foul of the politically correct snowflakes on this forum @RustyRef
I seem to have missed the offending post so I can't learn from others mistakes........
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Just thought it may help the rest of us not fall foul of the politically correct snowflakes on this forum @RustyRef
I seem to have missed the offending post so I can't learn from others mistakes........

Nothing about "snowflakes", that is any easy attempt to cop out of taking responsibility.

If anyone posts something on here that would potentially result in an FA charge if they put it on social media under their name, for example Facebook, it will be removed and the poster will face sanctions. What was posted was clearly intended to be a joke, but it crossed the line and would undoubtedly have resulted in an FA E3 charge had it been posted publicly and under his own name.
Nothing about "snowflakes", that is any easy attempt to cop out of taking responsibility.

If anyone posts something on here that would potentially result in an FA charge if they put it on social media under their name, for example Facebook, it will be removed and the poster will face sanctions. What was posted was clearly intended to be a joke, but it crossed the line and would undoubtedly have resulted in an FA E3 charge had it been posted publicly and under his own name.
Not disagreeing with you @RustyRef but not having seen the post still at a loss to understand the nature of the offence
And another thing @RustyRef....last time I looked this site was not run by anyone connected with the FA so why should what may result in an FA charge have any relevance at all....we are independent of the FA....we need of course to observe the law of the land.......
I’d say that if somebody has made a statement where they think ‘politically correct snowflakes’ may get involved, they’ve probably crossed a line already, and the person making that comment is well aware of the fact otherwise the word ‘Snowflake’ wouldn’t pop into their head. It’s a refereeing forum after all, a place for guidance and support in all things refereeing
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