The Ref Stop

Snowflakes 1 Common Sense 0 Take two

The Ref Stop
Don't trust everything you read in a tabloid paper.

There are too many narcissists coaches around
There are too many clubs whose sole motivation is money and/or favouritism
There are too many parents who think their little johnny is the next Messi
Too many parents who have little respect for coaches and their authority (or for the referees too)

But at the end of the day the paper is only interested in what sells their story and won't let the truth stand in the way of selling it. Sensationalism always wins over truth for them.
Primarily because this is a refereeing forum and it has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with refereeing.

Also because it looks like it isn't ended there and the club will appeal, we then potentially have to check back and remove all posts related to it, especially if it goes to a higher court.

Last and not least, I refer you to forum rule number 4 as reproduced below.

4. Moderator's say is FINAL
Please do not argue with the Moderators over closed, deleted or edited posts. If a Moderator has closed a post, chances are it will not be re-opened so please do not make an issue of it. If you believe a Moderator is abusing his powers, please contact an Administrator.
Primarily because this is a refereeing forum and it has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with refereeing.

Also because it looks like it isn't ended there and the club will appeal, we then potentially have to check back and remove all posts related to it, especially if it goes to a higher court.

Last and not least, I refer you to forum rule number 4 as reproduced below.

4. Moderator's say is FINAL
Please do not argue with the Moderators over closed, deleted or edited posts. If a Moderator has closed a post, chances are it will not be re-opened so please do not make an issue of it. If you believe a Moderator is abusing his powers, please contact an Administrator.
Thanks for the input @RustyRef but I opened a new post to discuss why we cannot discuss a recent CIVIL case decision. I think you may be confusing the issue of ongoing criminal cases where there can be some limitations on what can be discussed. However, there is nothing in law, unless decreed by the courts, to prevent discussion of even these cases. You may perhaps be confusing the need for jurors not to read about cases they are being asked to pass judgement on.
As I say, it is a completely new topic just with a similar title, nothing new there.....
Thanks for the input @RustyRef but I opened a new post to discuss why we cannot discuss a recent CIVIL case decision. I think you may be confusing the issue of ongoing criminal cases where there can be some limitations on what can be discussed. However, there is nothing in law, unless decreed by the courts, to prevent discussion of even these cases. You may perhaps be confusing the need for jurors not to read about cases they are being asked to pass judgement on.
As I say, it is a completely new topic just with a similar title, nothing new there.....

May be, but my other two points remain valid. As mods we have to make judgement calls, this was done here and I'm afraid that as members you just need to accept it and move on.
May be, but my other two points remain valid. As mods we have to make judgement calls, this was done here and I'm afraid that as members you just need to accept it and move on.
I have accepted it, I'd like a discussion about discussing football related court decisions, can we continue or will this thread be censored too?
I have accepted it, I'd like a discussion about discussing football related court decisions, can we continue or will this thread be censored too?

If you put it in the off topic section then it should be OK, but it cannot go into a refereeing section and shouldn't say anything that could land us in hot water (which should apply to all posts anyway).