The Ref Stop

Open Age Was it worth it


Hi - not posted for a while but looking for some advice please

Cup game goes to penalty shoot out. Sudden death. Away team have a pen to win the game.

It’s saved but the gk is 4 yards off his line when saved. So retake and they score meaning they win the game.

Under the laws of the game I know I’m right but the pens were taking place away from any fans, management etc, there was no appeals from the pentaty taker or his team.
When celebrating they goaded the losing team, caused a huge commotion and resulted in being called busy, don’t know why I’m doing etc

I know to always follow lotg but sometimes is it worth being ‘flexoble’ To keep the peace and match control? Should I have ignored the gk off his line? There would have been no surprises.
The Ref Stop
No, dem laws are dem laws and they need to be enforced sometimes despite the original outcome, Yes, it can cause a melee but you have to do your job to the best of your ability under the laws laid down over decades... No flexibility to be Mr Nice Guy, what about the wronged team!!
Hi - not posted for a while but looking for some advice please

Cup game goes to penalty shoot out. Sudden death. Away team have a pen to win the game.

It’s saved but the gk is 4 yards off his line when saved. So retake and they score meaning they win the game.

Under the laws of the game I know I’m right but the pens were taking place away from any fans, management etc, there was no appeals from the pentaty taker or his team.
When celebrating they goaded the losing team, caused a huge commotion and resulted in being called busy, don’t know why I’m doing etc

I know to always follow lotg but sometimes is it worth being ‘flexoble’ To keep the peace and match control? Should I have ignored the gk off his line? There would have been no surprises.
Did u caution the goalie?
Sorry, but this is just a terrible approach.

Really? By the refs own admission his actions caused chaos. How can causing a game to descend into farce be advisable?

Whats more credible here? Retaking the last pk when the gk might have been or might not have been a yard off the line at the time it was taken, or, with all and sundry accepting its a save bar you, without the benefit of Sky cameras to justify your call?

You dont get chocolate medals for making a WC final call unless its the WC
Reading the post, nobody was in the least bit bothered by the gk
Nothing to see here, move on

The chaos start with the referees actions
It's KFTM. Every other player is 50 yards away, and the crowd is even further.
The idea that the referee in any situation - particularly one like this - should a) wait for somebody to yell at him and b) make a decision based on how much yelling there is and how fervent it is...well, it's just absurd. Referees need to make a decision without fear or favour. You're advocating the opposite.

In fact, you're making it harder for everyone else. It's so hard to actually penalise encroachment because of the attitude that you're promoting on her e- because too many referees would let the keeper charge down the kicker if they wanted.

Which is why now, the other players are level with the kicker when the kick is taken and nobody has the balls to do anything about it. Then we wonder why players keep breaking the laws and why referees keep getting a yard time - yet you're on here advocating that it's the referee's fault for applying the LOTG and that teams should yell at that referee in order to get a decision their way!!!
Players create situations by breaking the laws and they choose to respond poorly. Referees apply the LOTG.
Totally not what I advocate. The OP says 4 yards away from the line WHEN HE SAVES IT.
No mention of where he was when it was struck. No doubts if he is 4 yards off line when/before its struck, a retake is required unless its a goal
We dont know, we will never see it, was he on the line when it was struck? 1 foot off, 1 foot on?
a yard off before it was struck, as more than likely been the case for the other pens in the shootout?

Credibilty is key for me here. Can you sell the retake? Do you need to sell the retake? Are you doing the retake because you are the only person who knows you are right, stuff everybody else and stuff the consequences? if so, thats not refereeing, that's officiating using by numbers.
Penalty saving technique rarely changes, the likelihood being that if he came off his line to make the save (ignoring the part that he saves it 4 yards off the line rather than starts there) is that he's probably done it for the others as well. Have to be careful that this isn't then pointed out by somebody when you make the decision
Totally not what I advocate. The OP says 4 yards away from the line WHEN HE SAVES IT.
No mention of where he was when it was struck. No doubts if he is 4 yards off line when/before its struck, a retake is required unless its a goal
We dont know, we will never see it, was he on the line when it was struck? 1 foot off, 1 foot on?
a yard off before it was struck, as more than likely been the case for the other pens in the shootout?

Credibilty is key for me here. Can you sell the retake? Do you need to sell the retake? Are you doing the retake because you are the only person who knows you are right, stuff everybody else and stuff the consequences? if so, thats not refereeing, that's officiating using by numbers.
Really? Because I'd say 'don't make a decision unless somebody shouts at you first' would be, by definition, officiating by numbers....

Which is exactly what you're saying.

Makes me wonder what on earth you do with off-the-ball offences if you don't a referee should give a decision unless a number of others have seen it and are shouting about it (how many people need to shout? Players or spectators?)
"Hmm....I saw that player knock that other one out....but nobody else seems to have seen it.....all good!"
Really? Because I'd say 'don't make a decision unless somebody shouts at you first' would be, by definition, officiating by numbers....

Which is exactly what you're saying.

Makes me wonder what on earth you do with off-the-ball offences if you don't a referee should give a decision unless a number of others have seen it and are shouting about it (how many people need to shout? Players or spectators?)
"Hmm....I saw that player knock that other one out....but nobody else seems to have seen it.....all good!"

Am missing the part where i typed that. Am saying credible. if you think you can credibly sell the winning pk having to be retaken (and judging by the OPs own version of what happened next, he could not) then you crack on
If I see a shoe lace off the line at a pk, I am not going to worry too much.
if i see a act of v/c then I dont care who else or nobody else has seen it, I will deal with it
Very very unusual for an act of violence to go un noticed, esp to the guy who has been struck !!!!! It would be credible to dismiss, given, something has clearly happened.
max 2 yards off the line at a pk and it is nigh impossible to sell the decision. Am leaving it as it is thanks.
Lets be mindful as well, operating alone, its impossible to watch both kicker and gk at the same time. So, something has to give. Staring at an act of violence is totally different

The referee is entrusted to make not only the right call, but, the credible call. This call, as stated by the referee, was not credible, so, you going to tell me its ok to make calls which are not credible? course its not.
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Be careful. Where he is when he saves it is irrelevant. Where he is when the kick is taken is what matters ... and these can be very different! Could well be he was only a yard or two off his line when it's kicked in which case I'm with @Ciley Myrus , let it go ....

Not so sure I agree with that. If, as the OP says, he was "4 yards off his line" when the ball was saved, then the logic of physics suggests that he must have been at least 2 off it before the ball was kicked. (It only takes a tenth of a second for the ball to travel the 8 yards).
Clearly one of those "YHTBT" or at least see it moments. Personally though, I'd have just let the goal stand .... ;) :D
Sometimes the correct decision is not the most popular decision. Hell sometimes it's a very unpopular decision. But it's your job to make those decision.
I don't think there is a right/wrong answer to this, as those advocating a retake are simply quoting/using LOTG, however in pre match from a level 3 I was told this re GK movement 'How many retakes do you see for it? I'm not saying anything else'

I'm tending to side with Ciley and would ask those that oppose - do you penalise the GK when he fails to release the ball after 6 seconds - because like pens, this happens 90% of the time and is NEVER penalised.
Its your role to apply the LOTG to the best of your ability, its impossible in this case to watch both the pk taker and the gk so nobody can be critical of you potentially missing a gk 2 yards off his line, its not possible for you to factually correctly witness both at the same time, so, with that in mind, you can move down the priority tick box to, the credible call.