Gooners V Spuds

He's always been Mr unflappable, total calmness today when everyone else lost their heads.

If I was being critical I would say there should have been more than one caution for the mass conf following Dier's goal, even if for a sub. Lichsteiner appeared to cause it by grabbing hold of Dier, but I only saw the one card. But overall he was superb.
Yeah, I'd be interested to know who got booked for that as MOTD2 didn't show anyone. Dier certainly should have gone in the book for choosing to celebrate in the way he did.
A&H International
Yeah, I'd be interested to know who got booked for that as MOTD2 didn't show anyone. Dier certainly should have gone in the book for choosing to celebrate in the way he did.
Dier got cautioned for his celebration.

Nobody else.
Feels appropriate to wheel out one of the greatest internet clips of all time... ladies and gentleman, introducing mike dean... its his world and we're all just living in it...

Man YouTube has really gone down the drain, embedding ads in the middle of the flipping videos.
Dier got cautioned for his celebration.

Nobody else.

Yep, it was just Dier. Really need at least one from each team for a mass conf, if I wasn't sure I'd be picking any one of the subs that came on the pitch. East to spot as they had bibs and trackie bottoms on …!
Yep, it was just Dier. Really need at least one from each team for a mass conf, if I wasn't sure I'd be picking any one of the subs that came on the pitch. East to spot as they had bibs and trackie bottoms on …!
Cometh the VAR police next season these will all get an FA letter....
No VAR police needed, both teams charged with failing to control their players.

Good, I how the guilty are charged and banned along with the complete idiot supporter involved in the separate incident that doesn't even deserve mentioning! Pathetic!!
Not sure dier was grabbed. Dier had run away and ran back in once the fracas had already kicked off. Either way poor show from both teams but not unexpected.
Personally it looked much of nothing really bjt of shirt pulling. Correct to caution the celebration... whilst fuelled with emotion on a day like NLD it was unwarranted and lets face it, it didnt age well..
Not sure dier was grabbed. Dier had run away and ran back in once the fracas had already kicked off. Either way poor show from both teams but not unexpected.
Personally it looked much of nothing really bjt of shirt pulling. Correct to caution the celebration... whilst fuelled with emotion on a day like NLD it was unwarranted and lets face it, it didnt age well..

He definitely was, I remember seeing it live and thinking it could escalate. Dier did then run off, but other Spurs players reacted and he came back in. Personally I'm not sure Dier did that much wrong, he just held his hand to his ears which is pretty standard behaviour. Of course it is more inflammatory in a local derby, but doesn't excuse the reaction of the Arsenal players.
A referee accusing a fellow referee of being biased. Classy ….

… someone did that to you on the pitch and you'd send them off without hesitation. Just as if you posted that on social media under your real name and someone reported it you'd be getting suspended. A clear case of double standards yet again by you …..

its also accusing Dean of lying as am 99.9% I read that he declared his team as Tranmere.
Even so, only folk with the intelligence of a paperclip relate a top, (a very top and experienced) referee with favouring another team, so it says more about the accuser than it does the accused.
If anyone thinks for one min at any point, Dean, (or any other supreme official) has ever considered doing anything "favourable" in a game for one team over another than that person clearly has no real grasp of being a referee themselves, only stitching a county badge on their shirt makes them comparable to other referees.

this is only the man who appointed to, then taken off the FA Cup final, for fear of upsetting purists because of his location. Its upsetting to read about such a respected official being accused of anything underhand on of all places, a referee site.
I’ve always liked Dean, he’s different, a few here could learn a lot from him mannerisms. He gets 9/10 every game I’ve seen him on TV.. We did have him at the Lane last season and he did struggle with ‘championship’ type tackles that he deemed too harshly IMO but he’s still a great referee.