The Ref Stop

First two games tomorrow. Advice?

The Ref Stop
Never go into a game with pre conceived ideas of a team, You ref what they turn up with. Should they bring a dirty game then you ref accordingly!
I wouldn't get too het up with kids at this age, you could probably ref it from your car!!!
I've had tough ones that I overthought overnight that turned out cake walks and games that should be a walk in the park go south with one tackle!

No two games are the same, thats one reason why the assessor stuff is so flawed its ridiculous!!
100 assessors looking at the same game are not going to give the same mark for the same thing. All assessors, all games, all angles, all situations are different and yet they have a mark system that fits all that compares like against like!!
100 assessors looking at the same game are not going to give the same mark for the same thing. All assessors, all games, all angles, all situations are different and yet they have a mark system that fits all that compares like against like!!
Do you have a better suggestion?
Do you have a better suggestion?

NO promotion whatsoever till you've done at least one full season...... Learn your craft and get some proper funding from the gazillions of the PL deal to fund refereeing throughout the levels. Get some instructors out there on the actual pitch. No good destroying someones career with a pen when you can help on the hoof.
Also, 20 in the SG is too small, too much pressure on a small group.. They need help and R&R when required.
That's actually a rule down here. Can't go for promotion until you hit your second season I think.

That's a rule everywhere, as it is in the regulations for the control and registration of referees. Rule 4(e), reproduced below ...

(e) A Level 7 Referee must officiate as a Referee in a minimum of 20 games in one registration period before applying for promotion. No Affiliated Association may impose any other qualification periods which cause delayed passage through the promotion pyramid.
Slightly different Rusty, I said one full season, the next season you can start 'thinking' of advancing. 20 games is certainly not a season, the way some refs go it could be a month!!! Were you a qualified and experienced anything in a month????
That's a rule everywhere, as it is in the regulations for the control and registration of referees. Rule 4(e), reproduced below ...

(e) A Level 7 Referee must officiate as a Referee in a minimum of 20 games in one registration period before applying for promotion. No Affiliated Association may impose any other qualification periods which cause delayed passage through the promotion pyramid.

Oh, does that cover Wales as well?
Got an under 10s then under 11s game tomorrow. Home team known to be a bit dirty. Any tips?

Take a couple bottles of shower gel with you & tell the parents to chuck the little beggars in the showers before they enter the pitch lol.

Good luck with the games.
That age group - they need a confident authority - or the scrotes will try to run the show. Vocal and credible and with conviction.
When you expect trouble - there rarely is... until something try’s to bite you on the ar$e. Then deal with it as you would any other game, players, coaches and people’s opinions may change but the laws are there to be policed by you and you alone.... now go get em!!!

Got an under 10s then under 11s game tomorrow. Home team known to be a bit dirty. Any tips?
NO promotion whatsoever till you've done at least one full season...... Learn your craft and get some proper funding from the gazillions of the PL deal to fund refereeing throughout the levels. Get some instructors out there on the actual pitch. No good destroying someones career with a pen when you can help on the hoof.
Also, 20 in the SG is too small, too much pressure on a small group.. They need help and R&R when required.
All fair points but doesnt actually answer the question...
Suppose all of the above is implemented, how do you decide who should and shouldnt be promoted to the next level?
Ref whats in front of you and do not be afraid to use cards. An early yellow makes all the difference to match control if needed.
I will be finishing my second full season now I mainly ref senior youth but tend to do one OA game a week. I have fulfilled the 20 games to go for promotion.. Am I ready? I know that I have not done enough OA games to be ready for promotion. I would probably need a full 6 months of OA to be ready. I am not bothered by promotion as I enjoy youth footie and thats the reason why I do it, but there is an expectation to go for it as soon as possible and I feel without the right experience behind you meaning that the standard could be a bit patch. I have met men who have just turned 18in their first season talking about the p word because they are being pushed by the county FA given the academy games(my card count at youth is way too high for me to go near them!) and giv them too much confidence but not enough real match day experience
Update: first game was fine, second was aggressive and dirty. Had 20 fouls argument and a brawl at the end. What a match haha assessor said I did fantastic to keep control of it.

Away team were the aggressors though. Home team took a 7 0 thrashing. Had to deal with Players, coaches, parents, the lot. One coach tool issue because I told the player to hold the ball at the throw until the sub was made. He takes it and I tell him to wait when told and to bring the ball back, loud and clear so everyone should've heard. Noticed play was carrying on so blew. Next thing a player went down apparently pushed and coach was screaming that I was making things up. Should've blown earlier but players carried on taking no notice of me calling it back anyway. Brought it back and ignores the apparent foul and explained what I saw and didn't see because I was looking to the thrower. My offsides were spot on though mentor said. I called about 7 of them.

Overall, an exciting but brutal game and I definitely earned my 15.