What do you do to seem more 'official'?


RefChat Addict
Level 7 Referee
I only really noticed today that I tend to slick my hair much more than I normally would when refereeing as it looks a bit more official to me! Also I always wear long sleeves even when warming up, mainly because I have a silly tattoo that could cause people to prejudge me a bit.
A&H International
I recently bought myself a rather nice suit to turn up to games in for when I start doing county games in an attempt to look more official :)
You have to be careful of this one; looking professional is good, but being too professional looking can have a negative impact when you turn up for an over-fourty something match and nobody really gives a hoot. I do, however, try to make sure my hair is well kempt and my face is clean shaven before any match.
lol i like the word 'try' @Padfoot ...shows youve at least thought about stopping drinking the night before lol

to be honest, these days i dont think clean shaven is something to be worried about? ill have a little stubble no issues - unless its an important match, everyday sunday leagues though - stubble, maybe a small beard going on
When you've quite finished gents. Back on topic please!
If it's two teams I'm unfamiliar with, I just do my best do just show I care about their game and based on what I've seen it is appreciated. Arrive an hour/hour and a half early, dress smart, make sure my headphones are out when they see me, get a gauge out and check all the home team's footballs, rectify kit and equipment issues well in advance. If nobody is there when I arrive I'll stick my tunes back on for an impromptu pitch inspection.

If I'm familiar with the teams I'll be more relaxed and casual, turn up in a tracksuit, have a chat with the early arrivals. I think you can be too professional sometimes but it's better than not being professional enough.
I only really noticed today that I tend to slick my hair much more than I normally would when refereeing as it looks a bit more official to me! Also I always wear long sleeves even when warming up, mainly because I have a silly tattoo that could cause people to prejudge me a bit.
Hi Dave , hope you don't grow a little square tash while slicking your hair , taking the official look a bit I think lol ......don't worry mate its just hair envy on my part
Looking official is easy.

I tend to turn up with a pitch black horse drawn carriage, wearing my dinner jacket with Cape. Before exiting the carriage my herald will announce my arrival but not before a full bugle fanfare. Then it is a quick jaunt along the rose petals being dropped at my feet by rose bearers to the dressing room.

Seems to do the trick in the looking of official department. :D
Hi Dave , hope you don't grow a little square tash while slicking your hair , taking the official look a bit I think lol ......don't worry mate its just hair envy on my part

Maybe all those years ago Ian Wright had a point!
I always turn up in my kit, ready to go - but wearing my Nike/FA tracksuit, so I can do my pitch inspection in the warmth.

I try never to use the changing rooms, as I hate bumping into players beforehand, or giving them the opportunity to hobnob with me (I know what they're secretly doing!)

So after I strip the tracksuit, im ready to go.

When im done, I change my boots, get in the car and look forward to a nice bath at home :D

I dont shave, but I have to keep 'tidy' for work, so it'll be between clean shaven and five olcock stubble.

I always gel my hair more than normal - as my particular 'do' means if its not styled, it just looks like a white-person-afro.

But because I run around - and tend to have 2 games a day, I need it to stay in place.

Also, I never smile or make jokes on the pitch. I dont want them to think im human or capable of being their friend.
Also, I never smile or make jokes on the pitch. I dont want them to think im human or capable of being their friend.
Lol robotref!

I'm not sure if you are joking or not because of the lack of smilee in your post.
Super duper serious. When I watched a few games whilst learning, the ref seem to congratulate good goals, or even make a few dry humoured comments (which id be capable of also).

But its just not me, I dont want to be all 'pally' with me. I made that mistake in the first few games - and it makes officiating more difficult.

I make comments on good challenges and jumping well for the ball (so they know im watching more to the point)
I think it's whatever works for certain individuals. Personally I like having a bit of banter and a joke with players. But I try and keep it to a minimum as don't want to seem like I've suddenly got a new best friend on the pitch!

When I first started I made the mistake of think we were all there to enjoy ourselves and I was part of the 'fun'. But I've come to realise not everyone plays for the enjoyment and as the ref we aren't part of the fun we are more like the enemy so no point in trying to be anything other than that. Since changing my outlook I've certainly become a better official and also enjoy it a lot more.