The Ref Stop

Youtuber becomes a ref...

The Ref Stop
I thought he did a pretty decent job for a first attempt. Obviously a good communicator, but could do with professionalising his language and would definitely have benefited from using cautions.
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Yeah thought he did pretty well. Was surprised to hear how well he was at communicating, I heard none of it!
Would surely be a bit worrying if a Youtuber isn't a good communicator, given that is literally his job?
Goes way more than that, regardless of age, experience, job etc. Communicating whilst reffing is a whole different skill set, especially when it's your first game.
Goes way more than that, regardless of age, experience, job etc. Communicating whilst reffing is a whole different skill set, especially when it's your first game.
Yeah, I get that, but being a naturally good communicator is always going to help with refereeing. New referees that I see struggling are often on the shy and timid side, could probably be said I was like that myself when I started, a Youtuber is going to have that natural confidence.
I watched the whole thing last night. Started off a bit cringe. But the game was really interesting.

Sadly, these lads have had about as much training as you or I when we start refereeing.

If anything these lads are in a better position than most others as they are experienced footballers, and have been given 1 to 3 coaching, and ongoing coaching throughout the game.

You could straight up use this video as evidence of how not to referee (which makes sense as these guys aren't referees).

Just points I noticed:
Ref says early, words to the affect of "I'm not doing cards in a charity match". Both team proceed to foul at every opportunity, basically just kicking people to the ground at certain points.

Kicking the ball away. At a point both teams just start taking the p***.

Getting too invested in arguments with players, at one point he says 'swear at me again and I'll kick your head in'. Just not really recommended, probably saved by it being a charity match, and one team being refs.

It is amazing the levels of abuse the refs are getting and based on @es1 comment, I bet most don't even realise they're doing it. Death by a thousand cuts kind of thing.
Just finished. Genuinely entertaining. Great save @es1 :D

Will donate my match fee on Tuesday 👍

very generous and much appreciated! we lost in a shoot out last year so was good revenge :)

Just points I noticed:
Ref says early, words to the affect of "I'm not doing cards in a charity match". Both team proceed to foul at every opportunity, basically just kicking people to the ground at certain points.

a L4 did the preceding game which was another refs team v andys man club and he had 7 or 8 bookings! i guess some refs playing took the opportunity to take 'some liberties' while the managers in particular carried on as if it were a sunday morning game.
a L4 did the preceding game which was another refs team v andys man club and he had 7 or 8 bookings! i guess some refs playing took the opportunity to take 'some liberties' while the managers in particular carried on as if it were a sunday morning game.
I've not played in ages, and tbh I don't know if they take place anymore, but the RA six-a-side tournaments were pretty full-on. An entire season of frustration laid bare on your colleagues' shins, heh. Extra spice down this part oif the world after one RA split and formed a breakaway group holding their meetings a mile away after an ALMIGHTY committee falling out... tasty stuff.

Not sure I'd want to ref other refs.
very generous and much appreciated! we lost in a shoot out last year so was good revenge :)

a L4 did the preceding game which was another refs team v andys man club and he had 7 or 8 bookings! i guess some refs playing took the opportunity to take 'some liberties' while the managers in particular carried on as if it were a sunday morning game.
The aggro in a game like that though. Refs vs Managers hahaa.

I know plenty of managers that would love the chance to flying two foot me...

The one off fine for breaking my leg, would be cheaper than the fines I get them throughout the season ;)