Youth match


RefChat Addict
Had an interesting one tonight.
We don't operate with assistants but coaches do "assist" if out of play.
Both sets of coaches claimed out of play a few times and I either gave or didn't (I may have been close enough to overrule). Then one coach shouts at the other across the pitch about how can he tell etc, he's the other side of the pitch (arguing saying his cheating basically). I laughed it off and continued.

I kept the same smile and laugh throughout the game. Got asked why I didn't give a penalty, said it wasn't a foul. Coach asked how it wasn't a foul so I replied because I didn't blow, and moved on.
Kept being called "big man" by another coach (I am not slim anymore, put it that way). Laughed with him when he did. Didn't let it bother me.
Girls on side line, clearly watching their latest boyfriends, called me a c()not, after I penalised one of their friends, I was near the touchline next to them when they said it. I replied, maybe I am, but I still gave the free kick. They were stunned with me responding, and my response, that I never heard from them again during the game or after (my bag was yards from them).

Amount of times both teams called for hands/pushing.
I laughed that off too. I said to one of the coaches during the first half (break in play) that they're not actually pushing the player, their hands may be in the back but not actually pushing. Pay attention and you'll see the player is more letting the opponent know they're there and not moving (if they back in).
Players always feel the hands and think they're being pushed. Not in my book.
End of day, most players shook my hand as did all coaches and said their thanks with no complaints.
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A&H International