Who is at fault here?

A&H International
Were you at this game? Or is this your video? Can't fault ref if he isn't behind the ball, would have to see about the NAR if he didn't check net correctly. If he then saw the hole, he couldn't give the goal, but the net should've been fixed before play restarted if he saw the hole.
If I was refereeing a game that had a spectator like the one on the video I'd probably give a few dodgy decisions just to see his reaction - absolutely hilarious! :D On a more serious note, a pre match check should have alerted the officials to this but, as it wasn't, the referee has to make a decision based on what he sees. He clearly didn't see it enter the goal and so gave a goal kick. It's one of those ones where those who referee will sympathise and talk about angles, positioning etc. while those on the other side (pretty much anyone associated with football who isn't a referee) will hound the ref for a shocking error and and label him everything from cheat to embarrassment. Tough break for the man in the middle and the man in the stands!
I laughed pretty hard at this guy's dramatic reaction I have to say.

On a serious note, the last couple of weeks should have been a lesson to everyone when checking the nets. We saw the goal Bayer Leverkusen scored which went through the side netting, which was refereed by a very experienced FIFA official who awarded the goal, now we have this incident. Just goes to show that it pays to take precaution and thoroughly check these things so there are no issues. This will be especially important for those reffing on public parks. It may look pernickety to your amateur groundsman but it pays off.
Were you at this game? Or is this your video? Can't fault ref if he isn't behind the ball, would have to see about the NAR if he didn't check net correctly. If he then saw the hole, he couldn't give the goal, but the net should've been fixed before play restarted if he saw the hole.
Neither, I found it on Facebook. The person who posted it is a die-hard Wrexham fan with lots of football related videos. As Xman says, check your appurtenances...
Wrexham shot on goal enters goal, passing out through the net, close to base of the right hand post when viewed from the goalkeepers position. Crowd go mad, referee indicates goal kick, cue much histrionics by fans of team who were losing 2-0 (goal would have made it 2-1). Apparently eventually, the referee consulted the 4th official. She then awarded the goal, but Wrexham still lost 3-1.
Yes but she did get it right in the end. Would have been worse if the goal was not allowed.
I have never in all my years of following football....

Ah my favorite bit of fan abuse from over the past 3 seasons! Once the same person has said it more than once (at different games) it is even funnier! Have to fight the urge to shout "yes! Personal best!"