Junior/Youth Whinging managers

Jack M

Active Member
Level 6 Referee
I am currently in Portugal refereeing at the IberCup Estoril.

Yesterday morning I was a NAR as part of a 4 man team refereeing a French side against a Portuguese side.

The manager of the French team was whinging the whole game about various decisions, notably the offside calls from myself and the other NAR.

His team lost 1-0 and he comes up to us after the game saying that the pitchside volunteers all say one offsode given by the other NAR was a very bad decision. We respond by saying that for all intents and purposes, their opinion is irrelevant. We also noticed a camera in the main stand and told him we could show him the footage to further clarify and he just walked off muttering in French.

Some people!
A&H International
Their opinion might not mean much but lets hope for all intents and purposes the cameras back up the decision?
I trust you saw the footage, are content you made the correct call before offering to clarify you made the right call!
So can I ask what you were going to clarify, given you (the team of officials) had not seen the footage?

Surely you (the team of officials) have no way of knowing for sure yourselves until said footage has been viewed?
Look 9 times out of 10 we always rely on our linos for offside and on this occasion I go with jack just because a manager has got a opinion on the day it's in the opinion of jack and if there going to argue and moan let them
I think I agree with what Ciley Myrus is getting at here - what's the point of referring to the fact there are cameras when you don't know if the footage supports your decision or not?

Much better to simply say that the decision was given accurately as the AR saw it, point out that it's too late to do anything about it now and maybe even warn the manager not to push his luck and say something that will end up being reported. All bringing the camera into it does it risk undermining you if the footage does suggest the AR made a mistake.
We knew the camera had only just been set up. Mentioning it caused the manager to back down.

The assessor agrred with the offside
@Jack M - Don't worry, his team lost so he has to blame something and an offside is the easiest for him.

Was his team prefect? doubtful
Are you and yoru colleague of FIFA standard? No, so there always has to be some allowance for potential mistakes
Is the IBER Cup for professional clubs and referees? No, you and the kids are there to enjoy a summer football tournament.

Forget him, next match then SUPER BOCK ! (the greatest thing in Portugal). I will be on a few next week on holiday; :dead: afterwards!
Haha. They were **** tbh. There are a couple of professional referees here in Bobby Madley and Adie Holmes.

Therr are a lot of professional club academys here though so the standard is much better than normal
We knew the camera had only just been set up. Mentioning it caused the manager to back down.

The assessor agrred with the offside
I'm with Jack on this. You're not going to stand there and say 'oh, the spectators think we're wrong? Well, I don't know now, I wonder what the cameras say?'

You're certain it was right, so you stick with that when approached like this. I'm all for suggesting he check the camera - doesn't compromise your position. Called his bluff and resolved the situation!

This one seems pretty minor on the scale of coach whinging :p
Have some fun, give more of the 50/50 decisions against them, to watch someones blood boil is quite funny!! some managers need to get a life and do something they are good at!!
Checking the camera is one thing but telling a manager before even checking that you have got it right is imo ridiculous.
What on earth you gonna say if (and it will happen), the camera shows a wrong call?
Surely a dignified approach would be "Jack is sure he got it right, however I believe there could be footage avail, I would be happy to view it and apologise if we called it wrong, that said, if, as am sure Jack has got it right, then its only fair you say sorry to him"

You are meant to work with the coaches , not against them, regardless of how you feel about their attitude to you. You are all an essential part of the game, don't go looking to patronise others, if they chose to act inappropriately to you, then that's their problem, not yours.
Ciley we are referees we make mistakes and learn from them I'm not in wind for cameras as I go ladder maybe but unless as jack has said already the observer that was there on the day happy then I have not got no quarms I at moment unless it can be to develop me I'm not interested in cameras
Ciley we are referees we make mistakes and learn from them I'm not in wind for cameras as I go ladder maybe but unless as jack has said already the observer that was there on the day happy then I have not got no quarms I at moment unless it can be to develop me I'm not interested in cameras

Ok I hear ya, I thought the whole post WAS about the threat of a camera to prove a decision to a manager
Sorry, next time I should read the OP properly..