The Ref Stop

What if ... Can I ...


RefChat Addict
Level 5 Referee
GK misses an intentional back pass - turns - runs after it - scoops the ball back with a hand just before it crosses the line

I blow the whistle to stop play for the offence

Attacking team are very switched on - quickly pick up the ball - plonk it down stationery on the edge of the goal area in the exact correct spot - the ball is tapped to an attacking team mate who puts it in the net - goal

I'm thinking I probably should send the GK off ...
  • should I not allow the goal, send the GK off and do the (correct) re-start again ...
  • or can I choose to allow this sort of advantage and caution the GK (knowing that I can't send the GK off if I re-start the game) !? !?
Thanks :)
The Ref Stop
direct from LoTG

A goalkeeper is not permitted to touch the ball with his hand inside his own penalty area in the following circumstances:
• if he handles the ball again after it has been released from his possession
and has not touched any other player:
– the goalkeeper is considered to be in control of the ball by touching
it with any part of his hands or arms except if the ball rebounds
accidentally from him, e.g. after he has made a save
– possession of the ball includes the goalkeeper deliberately parrying the
• if he touches the ball with his hands after it has been deliberately kicked to
him by a team-mate
• if he touches the ball with his hands after he has received it directly from a
throw-in taken by a team-mate
Restart of play
• Indirect free kick from the position where the offence occurred (see Law 13 – Position of free kick)
Hi Tealeaf, Dave - thanks for your quick replies

I've heard a few refs say that there a few 'quirks' in LOTG that stop a GK from being sent off - e.g. I guess for offences like the one I described ...

I don't think the LOTG (p116) are clear though ... they are clear on the re-start, but there is nothing about sanctions (cards) ... do I deduce that because there is nothing there about sanctions that this infers that no cards should be given !?
