The Ref Stop

Violent Conduct?


Well-Known Member
Level 7 Referee
Hi - yellow v red. Crunching tackle by yellow on red. After a few seconds have passed red player who was fouled retrieves ball as it comes back and lobs it - not very hard - against back of yellow's head. I showed straight red without hesitation but now doubting myself as wasn't excessive but under my general policy of below the head is yellow he had to walk. Any thoughts?
The Ref Stop
You have not mentioned what your take was on the crunching tackle ?

was that a yellow ?

The way you describe it then possibly a yellow for the tackle and a yellow for the reaction ?
Welcome to refchat mate (what no introduction!! :D )

How did the red carded player and team mates react to the red card?
I thought I'd done intro ages ago - usually more a reader!

Original tackle by yellow was sliding through legs - played ball but leg breaker if he'd missed - yellow all day.

Players generally bought the red card even if a few of his teammates thought harsh. Actual player couldn't believe it when he saw me write his name in red section of book. Interestingly his manager at end thought he deserved it! But it wasn't particularly thrown hard and didn't cause any injury. However this was a niggly, tetchy game and I suppose in that context I thought red card deserved at the time. Question is whether it's worth an automatic 3 game ban (I know not our concern but still).
Its a soft one but I'd probably go red. Purely for the fact that there is no need to do it and it is a violent act as he has deliberately aimed it at his head. Wouldn't say yellow is really an option as its not adopting aggressive attitude as he has physically hit him with the ball.

Its very "orange" but I am inclined to agree with binning him.
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Sounds like the majority of players agreed it was a red. Good call.

I am not a fan of relying on player reaction as justification of decisions, but if they agree with your actions chances are you are right.