The Ref Stop

Vanishing spray

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A lot of Wisdom there @HRW for a man of only 31 and I agree with almost everything that you've said. I personally have got a set of buzzers (mainly cause they were cheap):
1.) I would never give them to CAR's
2.) So far they have only enhanced my refereeing ( making me more aware of offsides from times when you wouldn't expect) they have not made me lazy in the slightest and so when people say that some refs at a certain levels shouldn't use them, I have to disagree and can happily speak from my own experiences.

How often do you operate with NARs?

Weekly? Monthly?
The Ref Stop
Just out of interest @Padfoot what is your level and age? Seems strange not to put it on here...

Why is it strange?

Because I choose not to seek automatic validation by parading my experience and level?

I'm not interested in those who believe that just because I might be a level 3, or 5, or 10, that my contributions are more or less valid because of a number that may or may not mean I am a competent referee.

I'll give you this much.....I'm in my 40's and have been refereeing for what feels like forever.....
I don't like to delete posts. At the same time when I ask for posts to remain on topic and not descend into old arguments, I mean it.

This thread is an interested topic. If it continues off topic it will be locked.
I'm not interested in those who believe that just because I might be a level 3, or 5, or 10, that my contributions are more or less valid because of a number that may or may not mean I am a competent referee.
You're an utter hypocrite @Padfoot. Earlier on in this very thread you have criticised level 7/8 refs for using Buzzers because it is pointless at that level and now you don't want people to judge you on your level because you'd rather them make a judgement of you because of what you say. For all you know these level 7/8's that you are thinking of, maybe the next Howard Webb trying to get as much of an advantage as they can.

If you want people to judge you purely on your comments, fine, but when others put their level onto this forum and start talking about widely disputed things such as Buzzer flags, then maybe take some of your own advice and think about the possible competencies of the referee in question before making a statement like 'level 7's shouldn't use buzzers' which is based on general stereotypes and not on the referee's own skill level.
You're an utter hypocrite @Padfoot. Earlier on in this very thread you have criticised level 7/8 refs for using Buzzers because it is pointless at that level and now you don't want people to judge you on your level because you'd rather them make a judgement of you because of what you say. For all you know these level 7/8's that you are thinking of, maybe the next Howard Webb trying to get as much of an advantage as they can.

If you want people to judge you purely on your comments, fine, but when others put their level onto this forum and start talking about widely disputed things such as Buzzer flags, then maybe take some of your own advice and think about the possible competencies of the referee in question before making a statement like 'level 7's shouldn't use buzzers' which is based on general stereotypes and not on the referee's own skill level.

First sentence is exactly what I said but it got deleted....Don't mention other peoples level if you don't think its right to be judged on your own...

I do think though that Buzzers should not be used until Level 4 and vanishing spray even later in perhaps Contrib or Panel as they are just luxuries...if anything I think its almost nice as a reward when you get to a certain level to think that it might be time to get a new piece of kit...whether that be Buzzers at Supply, Vanishing spray at Contrib, Comms at the Higher end of Panel and Coloured kits in the Football League. All of these things are great things to look forward to and can even act as motivation to those restless to get their hands on them.

I think the point of players at grassroots responding badly to referees with all the bells and whistles is very valid. Never try to (even if accidentally) give off the impression that you are better than the standard of football you are officiating in...could cause you problems that no piece of equipment can help you with
I do slightly disagree with you @Pierluigi only because the cost of vanishing is not extortionate for a level 7 like buzzer flags, therefore I wouldn't class it as a luxury. I think it would be interesting to see the sort of response that using it got at grassroots level. Just my opinion though.
Everyones entitled to their opinion! Its less about the price its more about what it represents. Its a real luxury, and therefore players might see it as being flash and you wanting to draw attention to yourself. As I'm sure you'd agree any unwanted potentially negative attention should really be avoided at all costs. At higher levels where players are considered to have entered the semi-professional game they are more likely to respond positively as it would be seen to add to the occasion where the football has a more serious feel.
First sentence is exactly what I said but it got deleted....Don't mention other peoples level if you don't think its right to be judged on your own...

I do think though that Buzzers should not be used until Level 4 and vanishing spray even later in perhaps Contrib or Panel as they are just luxuries...if anything I think its almost nice as a reward when you get to a certain level to think that it might be time to get a new piece of kit...whether that be Buzzers at Supply, Vanishing spray at Contrib, Comms at the Higher end of Panel and Coloured kits in the Football League. All of these things are great things to look forward to and can even act as motivation to those restless to get their hands on them.

I think the point of players at grassroots responding badly to referees with all the bells and whistles is very valid. Never try to (even if accidentally) give off the impression that you are better than the standard of football you are officiating in...could cause you problems that no piece of equipment can help you with

I completely understand your point of view however I don't think that level should have anything to do with when things should be used apart from comms etc. I know a lot of level 4's that you would never expect to be any so does that make them "fit to use certain items" (for want of a better phrase). I think it should be down to the level of the game rather than the referee, like you said at semi pro the players may respond well to the spray but at grassroots they would definitely think you were a ****y tw*t :)
Pin this thread, have a season with or without, and come back in 1 year and compare expereinces.

What did you use
was it worth it - money
was it worth is - expereince
what feed back did you get from players / managers / assessors / other Refs / NAR / CAR
will you stop / take up

Honesty from all, be it "nothing derogatory, everyone thouhg tI was very Professional / assessor loved it" throught to "got called a pompous &*%$" the first time so sacked it off after one game".

See you next year ....
I completely understand your point of view however I don't think that level should have anything to do with when things should be used apart from comms etc. I know a lot of level 4's that you would never expect to be any so does that make them "fit to use certain items" (for want of a better phrase). I think it should be down to the level of the game rather than the referee, like you said at semi pro the players may respond well to the spray but at grassroots they would definitely think you were a ****y tw*t :)

What you have to remember though is that your refereeing level does determine the level of games you get! I can see the scenario where a Level 7 gets the U18 or U16 County cup final and may want to use Buzzers or the spray, but for your average match on the village green or even something like the U12 County Cup final I don't see the point! Also you must question whether introducing a new piece of equipment for perhaps the biggest game of your career so far is of any benefit to your game..
A sensible point and I think that pretty much wraps it up for this thread. HRW make a great call... See you in a years time to discuss this further (when it will no doubt be condemned to the reject bin of footie history)
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