Unsportsmanlike conduct in the penalty box


New Member
Guys, this has been playing on my mind so some clarity would be appreciated...
Corner played into the penalty box and the ball ends up over the bar and GK awarded. As the corner is played in the Defender drops to the fall screaming for a foul - you know unequivocally that the player wasnt touched.
Do you issue the Defender a yellow card for unsportsmanlike conduct and a penalty?
A&H International
Guys, this has been playing on my mind so some clarity would be appreciated...
Corner played into the penalty box and the ball ends up over the bar and GK awarded. As the corner is played in the Defender drops to the fall screaming for a foul - you know unequivocally that the player wasnt touched.
Do you issue the Defender a yellow card for unsportsmanlike conduct and a penalty?
First of all we never award a card unsportsmanlike conduct. It's unsporting behaviour.
Pedantry out the way, if you believe the defender was guilty of trying to deceive you, then this would be simulation. This offence is a caution offence.
If the ball was in play the restart is indirect and if it was out of play the restart is according to ball pit of play.
Thank you for allowing me some latitude for my grammatical failings. With regards to the matter in hand thank you for clearing this up as Im not sure whereas I would have found this - much appreciated
A tricky sell to caution a player for simulation so far away from the opposition penalty area, and a more popular way to deal with it may be a very quiet warning in passing that you saw what he did and next time he’s likely to receive a card, but yes, law says simulation is simulation and doesn’t specify where on the field it has to be.
I should clarify that the Defender was defending the corner as the ball was played in. - this is all hypothetical but prior to JamesL input I had frequently questioned what the right outcome was as I would get hounded to award a penalty as soon as the yellow card was shown
I should clarify that the Defender was defending the corner as the ball was played in. - this is all hypothetical but prior to JamesL input I had frequently questioned what the right outcome was as I would get hounded to award a penalty as soon as the yellow card was shown
As James said IDFK. However, as others have said, good luck selling that. You will get completely bombarded by players accusing you of turning the game into the ref show.