turning down games

richard ramjane

RefChat Addict
my first season, so ive registered for 2 youth leagues and 2 OA leagues, so as i can get a feel for all of them to see how best i can progress, and to vary things to keep me on my toes (as if theres not enough to learn as it is ! )
so naturally i have had situations where ive taken games only to be emailed via Full Time that i have another fixture that clashes.... so manager calls to confirm and i turn it down. i'm really not in the business of messing people about once ive accepted a game... however i get a call from one of the youth leagues last night to say that i'm " doing the middle for the U13 cup final sunday at midday "
no i'm not, sorry, ive already got an OA game at 10-30, so i wont be able to make it
"you havent put that on your registration form that you are doing other leagues... "
please check again
"oh yes.. mid essex and pope and smith, ... ok well, i can enforce "
please do
A&H International
Generally not the best idea to p*ss off fixtures secretaries. Best is to allocate specific Saturdays (or whenever) to specific leagues and close the rest. Then open them up if you want a game.

Assuming I get promoted to Level 4, I've got to find out if I need to close Mon-Friday morning and afternoon for the whole year or not.
Generally not the best idea to p*ss off fixtures secretaries. Best is to allocate specific Saturdays (or whenever) to specific leagues and close the rest. Then open them up if you want a game.

Assuming I get promoted to Level 4, I've got to find out if I need to close Mon-Friday morning and afternoon for the whole year or not.
yup, agreed but tbh i'd closed myself off for the rest of the season with the youth leagues as i want(ed) to do OA to ensure ive got enough under my belt to go for promotion next time round. besides , at my age and level, i'll do what i want, when i want ;)
Generally not the best idea to p*ss off fixtures secretaries. Best is to allocate specific Saturdays (or whenever) to specific leagues and close the rest. Then open them up if you want a game.

Assuming I get promoted to Level 4, I've got to find out if I need to close Mon-Friday morning and afternoon for the whole year or not.
Yes you will have to, otherwise expect to be appointed to u18/21 games in the middle of the day!
Dan are you aware of an easy way to do this or do you just have to go through day by day?
Dan are you aware of an easy way to do this or do you just have to go through day by day?
No sorry, you will have to do each day separately. They are make it easy for you.

Also, you need to careful about closing evening, as this any match starting after 6.15 (I think) and you need to be able to travel and arrive at the reportable time. So if you cant leave until 4.30 and have an hours travel for a 6.15 kick off at a supply game, you will be late.
A league can't enforce anything. All leagues at that level have equal status in the FA order of precedence. If a supply league comes in however, they have priority including over county cups.

I do agree though, best to try and keep them all happy. Try and make specific days only available to one league and make them aware that you're doing that so they use you when you're available to them. A few years ago I used to do alternate weeks with a different Sunday league as I couldn't get weekly games on each, each league used me on the week I was theirs.
Dan are you aware of an easy way to do this or do you just have to go through day by day?
You can close on a week-by-week basis. So, you can close Monday-Friday morning, then Monday-Friday afternoon but you'll have to do it for every week!
Dan are you aware of an easy way to do this or do you just have to go through day by day?
J-K as the others have said you have to close every morning then every afternoon. It takes a while but it is worth it. It's easier when you're closing a whole day, weekend or week. I like MOAS as an appointing system as you only have to close a date once then FA and supply league both know.
J-K as the others have said you have to close every morning then every afternoon. It takes a while but it is worth it. It's easier when you're closing a whole day, weekend or week. I like MOAS as an appointing system as you only have to close a date once then FA and supply league both know.
That's only been the case for the last 2 seasons. Before that, you had to update MOAS as it is now and then also let your Supply Ref Sec know your unavailable dates. Additionally, when you received an appt, you had to inform everyone!!!
my first season, so ive registered for 2 youth leagues and 2 OA leagues, so as i can get a feel for all of them to see how best i can progress, and to vary things to keep me on my toes (as if theres not enough to learn as it is ! )
so naturally i have had situations where ive taken games only to be emailed via Full Time that i have another fixture that clashes.... so manager calls to confirm and i turn it down. i'm really not in the business of messing people about once ive accepted a game... however i get a call from one of the youth leagues last night to say that i'm " doing the middle for the U13 cup final sunday at midday "
no i'm not, sorry, ive already got an OA game at 10-30, so i wont be able to make it
"you havent put that on your registration form that you are doing other leagues... "
please check again
"oh yes.. mid essex and pope and smith, ... ok well, i can enforce "
please do

Poor administration on your part.

If you are on multiple leagues, if you accept a fixture that precludes you accepting one from the others you should close the date with them as soon as you know.

I would lose patience very quickly with a referee if I kept getting fixtures knocked back because they had committed to another league and not had the common courtesy to let me know. They would find themselves without any future fixtures.
its a simple answer to the question - Turning down games - DON'T. Orgainse yourelf so you dont get given double games. Open and close - you are taken to be "free" unless you say otherwise!

And if you don't, pease don come on here asking "how come i didnt get promoted / any cup games / how do i get a final?
Poor administration on your part.

If you are on multiple leagues, if you accept a fixture that precludes you accepting one from the others you should close the date with them as soon as you know.

I would lose patience very quickly with a referee if I kept getting fixtures knocked back because they had committed to another league and not had the common courtesy to let me know. They would find themselves without any future fixtures.

its a simple answer to the question - Turning down games - DON'T. Orgainse yourelf so you dont get given double games. Open and close - you are taken to be "free" unless you say otherwise!

And if you don't, pease don come on here asking "how come i didnt get promoted / any cup games / how do i get a final?

thats the point... (and sorry i didnt put it on the OP) i did close myself off for the rest of the season, so i could do OA only to get that quota up, as i only really do sundays (and weekday evenings if poss)
when i broke my arm before xmas i also closed myself off for a few weeks, and got a fixture come through for literally the next weekend!

yes possibly poor admin on my behalf but no one told me how it all works before i registered with these leagues in any case, so i thought try them all and see which suits me best and also that i could learn something a bit different from each one.

as for common courtesy, i have bags of that, and what i dont appreciate is the fact that having A) told him i'm on other leagues and B) closing myself off for the rest of the season, to then keep getting games allocated and therefore putting me in awkward situations with managers when they call

think that covers your point too @HRW, i'm organising myself but this seems to be a spanner in my works, and through talking to managers when they call, it seems like other refs are turning down games in this particular league for the same reason.... they are getting called and giving the same response... that they have closed the date off but still getting allocated games

as for your last point, i wouldnt dream of moaning about getting or not getting games/ finals/ promotions thats not my bag
I'm signed up to 1 league ... unfortuantly with work I can become unavailable at the very last opportunity ... even after games have been confirmed.

I now have a level understanding with my ref sec that it isn't done on purpose and cant be helped, and I also understand that if I have to cancel 1 sunday and the following Sunday he has enough refs then I wont have a game ... we both accept its how the dice rolls
I'm signed up to 1 league ... unfortuantly with work I can become unavailable at the very last opportunity ... even after games have been confirmed.

I now have a level understanding with my ref sec that it isn't done on purpose and cant be helped, and I also understand that if I have to cancel 1 sunday and the following Sunday he has enough refs then I wont have a game ... we both accept its how the dice rolls
cool, and for me next season i will be on 2 leagues maximum now i know a bit more about how it works