Junior/Youth training matches for youths - shinpads

Kent Ref

RefChat Addict
i was at a venue last week waiting to ref a game.

The u12s were playing a match against each other. 9 a side being reffed by the manager.

Only 4 players were wearing shinpads. 14 not. 2 keepers and 2 others.

Are youth players expected to wear shin pads when training?

If so is this an issue for the cwo?
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A&H International
When you say training match I assume you mean a game between players of the same team during a training session? If so, I would say no as it is not an official competition game regulated by the LOTG.

With that being said, I think it’s ridiculous to not be wearing them, but then I suppose an element of that is down to the parents🤷🏻.
It certainly isn't anything for referees to be getting involved in Thinking back to when I used to coach it was very rare for players to wear shin pads for training, but then against that was adult. Down to the players and parents to decide I would guess, don't think safeguarding teams would be interested.
Wouldn’t be sending my child to a team that didn’t require them at training. Obviously I’d make them wear them regardless but it increases the chance they’d injure another child badly and be really traumatised by it.