Stevenage V Dagenham & Redbridge.
Ball played through. Striker who is offside, runs through, gets about 1 metre away from the ball and goes to kick it (I think). He then stops and an onside player picks it up.
Lino stands there with his flag up near halfway line. The ball is then played across the box to the striker who 'apparently' was miles offside but obviously the Lino can't tell. Anyway, referee Mr Whitestone overrules and the goal is given to Daggers. I eagerly await the replay and will post here. Not happy.
(To add to it all, one of our players supposedly got bitten at the end and there was a fight, no action taken and statement given to police).
Ball played through. Striker who is offside, runs through, gets about 1 metre away from the ball and goes to kick it (I think). He then stops and an onside player picks it up.
Lino stands there with his flag up near halfway line. The ball is then played across the box to the striker who 'apparently' was miles offside but obviously the Lino can't tell. Anyway, referee Mr Whitestone overrules and the goal is given to Daggers. I eagerly await the replay and will post here. Not happy.
(To add to it all, one of our players supposedly got bitten at the end and there was a fight, no action taken and statement given to police).