Tackles after the ball has gone


New Member
Level 7 Referee
Just started refereeing, 2nd game today
Player was on goal and shot over the bar a second after he shot the defender fouls him
The striker still managed to shoot, I gave a goal kick but should I have given a free kick to the forward even though the foul didn’t stop him shooting?

Had a similar instance when the striker (on goal) shoots well wide but the keepers momentum makes him clash into the striker the ball had already gone out for a goal kick but should I have given a penalty (clash was in the box)
A&H International
First, if the ball is already off the field when the contact occurs, you cannot have a foul. Period. The ball must be in play for a foul to occur.

Second, where the attacker gets off a shot, and is fouled with the ball not having left the field, it’s a bit more complicated (and I think there is another recent thread on this). In simple LOTG terms, if the attacker is fouled in the PA with the ball in play, it’s a PK. Simple. The nuance is evaluating the contact As to whether it really is a foul. Minor contact that occurs while ap,Ayer is still playing the ball may be a foul, while the same minor contact may be trifling and not worthy of a foul call if the player is no longer playing the ball.it’s the referee’s judge t on a play like this. If it is contact that rises to the level of reckless (or gets close) and the ball is still in play, as a general rule, the PK should be given. If it is barely a careless foul that didn’t affect the attacker, as a general rule, the offense was trifling and should not be called. In between is the gray area of judgment that referees have to make--judgment that in some ways comes with experience.