SPA favours anti-football. Discuss

I definitely think there would be benefits for sin bins for blatant SPA, the ones where the commentators refer to it as taking one for the team. As some probably remember, I often say I'd like to see red cards for these as they are anti-football, deliberately kicking an opponent instead of the ball should have no place in the game. Referees are, for obvious reasons, reluctant to send off for it, but perhaps having a sin bin available would both disincentivise players from doing it and encourage referees to penalise it when they do.

The problem of course is that a large number of players have become very adapt at putting themselves in the way of contact, and are praised by the football community for "drawing the foul". They make it look like the defender has cynically tripped them, but in reality they had little to no chance of avoiding it, and there's no way defenders should face the sin bin for that.
A&H International