Sin Bin Management


RefChat Addict
Level 5 Referee
So had one in a game recently that felt good. But going to run it through, as I am not sure if this one would work always.

Had a player chirping away. The usual, in the back ref, be consistent ref, there are two teams ref.

Well he goes to ground, and I miss/don't see a foul in whatever happened, but he stays down. So I run over, he immediately starts with, "I need you to be watching ref, we need some protection out here". So I publicly and loudly say: "number 6, anymore of that it is a sin bin, look at me, I am serious if I have to acknowledge you having a go at me, it will be a sin bin". He was a little later tackled on the outside of the box, and I seen him look up at me with venom in his eyes, but not a word was said.

Then after half-time when the players were coming out I ran up to his captain (who was a keeper hence not really getting him involved earlier) and said: "your number 6 is on a final warning with me regarding dissent. Making you aware and you might want to make your gaffer aware, he did tone it down after I warned him though".

Then after speaking to number 6s captain I ran to the oppositions captain and just informed him of what I said to the other captain, bit of rapport building and just not making it look like I am playing favourites.

Number 6 didn't act up in the second half, and when the game temperature started to rise the gaffer subbed the 6 off.

For me it was a bit of a success story. But not sure what peoples take are on that approach as I am obviously looking at it from a success bias.
A&H International
So had one in a game recently that felt good. But going to run it through, as I am not sure if this one would work always.

Had a player chirping away. The usual, in the back ref, be consistent ref, there are two teams ref.

Well he goes to ground, and I miss/don't see a foul in whatever happened, but he stays down. So I run over, he immediately starts with, "I need you to be watching ref, we need some protection out here". So I publicly and loudly say: "number 6, anymore of that it is a sin bin, look at me, I am serious if I have to acknowledge you having a go at me, it will be a sin bin". He was a little later tackled on the outside of the box, and I seen him look up at me with venom in his eyes, but not a word was said.

Then after half-time when the players were coming out I ran up to his captain (who was a keeper hence not really getting him involved earlier) and said: "your number 6 is on a final warning with me regarding dissent. Making you aware and you might want to make your gaffer aware, he did tone it down after I warned him though".

Then after speaking to number 6s captain I ran to the oppositions captain and just informed him of what I said to the other captain, bit of rapport building and just not making it look like I am playing favourites.

Number 6 didn't act up in the second half, and when the game temperature started to rise the gaffer subbed the 6 off.

For me it was a bit of a success story. But not sure what peoples take are on that approach as I am obviously looking at it from a success bias.
Sounds good! And identical kind of nibbling I had from a number 6 in a Wiltshire Saturday league game a week or so ago. Wish I’d done what you did tbh, would’ve stopped him ending up in the bin later on.
Sounds good! And identical kind of nibbling I had from a number 6 in a Wiltshire Saturday league game a week or so ago. Wish I’d done what you did tbh, would’ve stopped him ending up in the bin later on.
It felt a lot better than just throwing a sin bin out. A lot of players seem caught a little off guard when I sin bin them. As in they don't really know how much they're annoying me until I get the card out.

Especially when it is little things over and over.

Sin binned someone recently out of the blue for just constantly screaming about everything. I didn't really give a warning and I had enough of it.

His team then lost the lead, never recovered and lost the game. Gaffer at the end was asking me what he had said to get sin binned and it was a hard sell. I wasn't impressed with how I had handled it felt too emotional from me.

I think from now on, if someone is nagging at me to the point I want them off the field, I'll give a big verbal warning to all. So if someone goes at me again. I can do it and feel I was fair about it.
Well done - this time;)

It’s been said on here before, beware of ultimatums. If you use “next time it’s a sin bin” or “next time it’s a card” you are limited your options for later. You might have 60 mins and then really not want to give a 91st min second yellow.

And I’m a firm believer in giving both coaches the same info in pre-match and if there is anything weird, technical or a special question/answer. But a word on the walk with the captain about dissent is enough. IMHO no need to also involve the opposition about a specific player, might seem like over managing.

Good job tho 🤩
Well done - this time;)

It’s been said on here before, beware of ultimatums. If you use “next time it’s a sin bin” or “next time it’s a card” you are limited your options for later. You might have 60 mins and then really not want to give a 91st min second yellow.

And I’m a firm believer in giving both coaches the same info in pre-match and if there is anything weird, technical or a special question/answer. But a word on the walk with the captain about dissent is enough. IMHO no need to also involve the opposition about a specific player, might seem like over managing.

Good job tho 🤩
Yeah, thought it was over kill with the away captain. But just thought if I sin bin one of his lot I wouldn't hear the end of it.

I think for me I would have stuck my guns. If the 6 had started having a go again I would have happily put him in the bin.
I don’t mind the involving the away skipper after warning a home player/skip. Normally I’ll just say something like “you’ll be battling this half, keep your lads tidy for me and work with me”.
I'd not be speaking to the other team's captain about an opponent's potential sin bin.
Nothing to do with them. Dissent concerns how a player is behaving towards the ref, not their opponents.

Just my opinion though ...
I'd not be speaking to the other team's captain about an opponent's potential sin bin.
Nothing to do with them. Dissent concerns how a player is behaving towards the ref, not their opponents.

Just my opinion though ...
Here to hear opinions, so appreciate it.

My thoughts were just a cheap rapport thing, but I think moving forward, that part can only cause problems in a more heated match.

All I need is for the away team to start losing their minds over perceived dissent from the player and all match control straight out the window.
Understand your reasoning and justification for speaking with both captains, and has opened a healthy debate.

For what it's worth, I too wouldn't involve the oppostion captain, as others have said, it potentially backs you into a corner the next time there is dissent or similar ("You said you would....") and there is no reason to include the opposition captain when it doesn't concern their player.

As has been suggested on here, the stepped approach is the easiest way to sell the sin bin.
Exactly as the previous two posters have said - I don't want to encourage the opposition to start getting on my back about a sin bin. While everything else you did was good (I'd argue even going to the home manager is a touch excessive, that's the captain's job to relay that, but no big deal), the best-case scenario is that they effectively ignore what you've told them.

If they react to it in any way such as trying to wind up that player or getting on your back if he does pipe up, you've just swapped dissent from one player with arguments with the other team.
Exactly as the previous two posters have said - I don't want to encourage the opposition to start getting on my back about a sin bin. While everything else you did was good (I'd argue even going to the home manager is a touch excessive, that's the captain's job to relay that, but no big deal), the best-case scenario is that they effectively ignore what you've told them.

If they react to it in any way such as trying to wind up that player or getting on your back if he does pipe up, you've just swapped dissent from one player with arguments with the other team.
Fully agree with the opposition winding up the player on my radar. Solid solid point.

I told the captain to tell his gaffer if he chooses.
Yep, sorry, just re-read your initial post and realised I'd misread the bit about you telling him to tell his gaffer as you telling him. Even better then!
Sounds like you’ve done everything you can to avoid sending a player to the sin bin. There has to be an element though of the players and team officials doing everything they can to avoid a sin bin too. Personally if a player is showing dissent especially public dissent where everyone can hear it, I’d have no hesitation sending them to the sin bin. There is no deterrent if you don’t
Sounds like you’ve done everything you can to avoid sending a player to the sin bin. There has to be an element though of the players and team officials doing everything they can to avoid a sin bin too. Personally if a player is showing dissent especially public dissent where everyone can hear it, I’d have no hesitation sending them to the sin bin. There is no deterrent if you don’t
I like your thinking. For me, the difficulty is the difference between dissent and applying pressure to a referee.

Having played, I know of the phrase, 'the ref is only going to give it if the pressure is on lads'.

Obviously we all like to think this is untrue, but I've done many a game where my confidence is shot and a team are applying endless pressure. Which no doubt messes with my decision making as I am human, no idea if it makes me more or less favourable towards them.

So for me, the player was running that line of, trying to apply pressure but started to toe the line with dissent.

Now the point I gave the warnings I mentioned is: in the past I have been a bit more silent, a player has breached my tolerance, I have binned them. They have been annoyed as they didn't really expect to get binned, caught them a little off guard.

Then in a specific example above, a winning team went on to lose, as they conceded 3 in the 10 mins the sin binned player was off.

Manager asked me what he had done wrong, and it was a really hard sell saying, he was just being annoying and I had enough. Obviously I dressed it up a bit better, but a sin bin is quite a big punishment in certain scenarios (rightful but impactful).