The Ref Stop

Ref's World

The Ginger Ref

Well-Known Member
Level 7 Referee
If you hadn't guessed, I spend a lot of time on YouTube šŸ¤£

There was an account shared last week of a ref who was wearing a body cam for games, which was a really good insight to refereeing at grassroots. (Until the CFA asked him to stop recording).

This account takes it a step further, leaning more into the Football YouTube scene with sideline filming and cleaner production. The referee is really good at being open and honest about potential mistakes or areas for improvement. He was also awarded referee of the year by his CFA so is certainly operating at a good standard. However, my issue lies with the persona he adopts, which comes across as overly self-promotional. Particularly in the video below, he overplays the suggestion of bias due to his friendship with one of the teams. Instead of brushing off this accusation, he chooses to play it up for engagementā€”or what the kids are calling "clickbait". Which to me is just poor taste and why refereeing and YouTube are just not compatible.

Ref's World
The Ref Stop
I saw that Cup Final one and I was wincing as he kept making comments about the manager. I'm normally a fan of his videos, and I think like you say - he's usually very good at self-reflection.

The fact there was a comment chain of around 30 messages between him and the manager and a player must've been a nightmare for the CFA to sort out!