Open Age Referee shortage - Bristol


New Member
Level 4 Referee
Hi all,

Hoping to see if there are any referees currently seeking fixtures in Bristol

There are currently 22+ games being played in the Bristol & District and Bristol Premier Combination currently without referees - if anybody is available please make contact

£40.00 per game (all in), 14.00 kick off on Saturday (every week)

Games available across Bristol
A&H International
Hi all,

Hoping to see if there are any referees currently seeking fixtures in Bristol

There are currently 22+ games being played in the Bristol & District and Bristol Premier Combination currently without referees - if anybody is available please make contact

£40.00 per game (all in), 14.00 kick off on Saturday (every week)

Games available across Bristol
I hope Referees respond. Such a shame there is a shortage. Countrywide things seem to be on the up, but it obviously takes at least a few seasons for the new crop of Referees to get to the level required for the games your area requires covering.
I hope Referees respond. Such a shame there is a shortage. Countrywide things seem to be on the up, but it obviously takes at least a few seasons for the new crop of Referees to get to the level required for the games your area requires covering.
Fingers crossed - I just hope the referees operating at youth level decide to try open age, otherwise the issue will remain. It's desperate out there currently.
Sometimes it just takes a leap of faith to go from youth to open age, and in some instances perhaps better because they haven’t the parents on the side to contend with!!