The Ref Stop

Recording game for the ahem... older ref


Hello everyone, newbie here.

Just completed ref training and trying to get ready for first proper ref game. Whilst most bits of my body are in very good condition I need reading glasses for close work... The referee record sheets that I see look ridiculously small fonts..... so I'm sitting here trying to work out a simpler method to keep on top of booking etc. Perhaps the issue of refs that need reading glasses have been addressed before?? Does anyone have a simpler method of recording the bare essentials during play....
The Ref Stop
Hello everyone, newbie here.

Just completed ref training and trying to get ready for first proper ref game. Whilst most bits of my body are in very good condition I need reading glasses for close work... The referee record sheets that I see look ridiculously small fonts..... so I'm sitting here trying to work out a simpler method to keep on top of booking etc. Perhaps the issue of refs that need reading glasses have been addressed before?? Does anyone have a simpler method of recording the bare essentials during play....
Free Hand?
Yes I thought that. The only issue being trying to organise it so I can spot a second yellow offence..... maybe I'm over thinking that, and it will be obvious...
Yes I thought that. The only issue being trying to organise it so I can spot a second yellow offence..... maybe I'm over thinking that, and it will be obvious...
Lots of people free hand, you take name, number so one of those will jog your memory and you tend to find you recognise players you've booked anyway. (just don't let that carry over games like I did once 🤭)
Go for the old fashioned basic notebook if you like. I know an older chap who has one in each pocket. One for away team cards/goals and one for home team. No right way, just whatever works for you especially at lower levels
I am also an older ref and have always recorded my games freehand on two 3' x 5" note pads. I need to note goals, goal times, and all misconduct. I also note team name, colours, and who kicked off. I have never found it any problem to fit all the info in.
I also need reading glasses but never got stuck without them on the field. The only time you really need to read something is for double yellows so I make sure I record numbers for yellow as large and as clear as I can. Night games are a little more difficult.

You also tend to learn how to make your memory more reliable for yellows. Still double check with notepad.

Back in the change room is a different story, definately need glasses to transfer records to game sheet (paper or electronic). They would include a lot more than just yellows.
Thanks everyone... very helpful
Am gonna try writing on the back of my yellow card (masking tape or 'skins' you can buy online. I'm favouring masking tape and free-hand using a retractable sharpie (as suggested by @JamesL in another thread). I also struggle to read these days. Most players consider me utterly blind!
I’d just go with blank paper and note down whatever you need to, as and when you need it. Occam’s razor and all that.
Police style notebook for me. My hearing is going too so I struggle to decipher player names at times. When it’s open age, I spend 5 mins writing down squad names and numbers in my notepad, solves everything for me, including the odd player that wasn’t on the pre match sheet.
If my eyesight improves, I will of course retire from refereeing
I use a single contact lens so I can read/write no bother and still able to see the game, may sound strange but it does work. Oh, forgot to say, you only have one in so you acn see long distant and read as if you had your glasses on. Single use lens are cheap especially as you are only using one 3 of 4 times a month.
I use a single contact lens so I can read/write no bother and still able to see the game, may sound strange but it does work. Oh, forgot to say, you only have one in so you acn see long distant and read as if you had your glasses on. Single use lens are cheap especially as you are only using one 3 of 4 times a month.
It tried that and it didn’t work for me. ☹️

I don’t have a problem with recording or reading what I wrote, but I do sometimes have trouble reading player cards that some of my competitions use )especially in poor light) and carry reading glasses for that.
Am gonna try writing on the back of my yellow card (masking tape or 'skins' you can buy online. I'm favouring masking tape and free-hand using a retractable sharpie (as suggested by @JamesL in another thread). I also struggle to read these days. Most players consider me utterly blind!
I write scores straight onto my yellow card with a sharpie, they wipe off with a dash of lynx deodorant. I found taking bookings on the card a bit messy so use the standard ref cards for that.