The Ref Stop

Pre-Match Instructions


New Member
Hi there,

Have been giving Pre-Match instructions for a while now, however I always keep them short an sweet (as I really don't know what else to say!)

Could you run through the points that you include in your Instructions?

The Ref Stop
This is a variation of what I was taught on my course (amended for personal taste) and is what I have used.

"I want you to indicate ball in and out of play for all throw-ins, corners and goal kicks. I want a nice clear signal showing that the ball is out and the direction of the throw. I will always go with you (I don't always but...). If you are unsure of the direction, look to me and I will indicate. Go with my signal. Any offside offences, remember that the offside player has to get involved in play (I don't further elaborate). Give a nice strong signal to indicate to me. The final decision will be mine as I may be in a better position to make a more informed decision. I will indicate that I have seen the flag, but if I don't whistle, I haven't given it. I will tell the captains to play to the whistle rather than the flag (and I do)."

Hope this helps.
First of all, welcome to the site :)

Secondly, when issuing instructions to CAR's, keep it simple. Most of them dont really want to be doing it anyway, so the longer you go on for, the more likely they are to ignore all of what youve said
I echo the above about keeping it short and the other thing that I forgot to mention was thanking them for doing it (even if they were pressed men rather than volunteers). This was something that they did stress on the course.