The Ref Stop

One foul resulting in chaos...

Hi all. Need some advice on how to deal with this situation. I refereed my sons U11 game at the weekend. A very competitive game, a few little niggles from a couple of players who I spoke to but nothing too serious. My sons team goes 4-2 ahead with only a few minutes remaining, the opposition are getting a little frustrated and the tackles are getting a bit more robust. A foul is committed by the opposition which looked worse than it probably was and a player is down hurt, I blow for a free kick. Parent of the injured player totally loses his cool and sets off on a tirade of abuse from the touchline. Not at me, it was aimed at the player who committed the foul and coaches of the opposition accusing them of encouraging dangerous play. Our coach is trying to restrain him, the opposition coaches get involved and it's all a bit chaotic. Amongst all the choas my watch is buzzing for the end of the game, the players are also getting a bit restless and starting to taunt each other. Tempers are still frayed so I decide to blow the full time whistle which was probably the wrong thing to do as the game had technically not ended. I was concerned something worse might happen if we re-started. After the game and later in the afternoon, our coach informs me he has spoken to the opposition coaches, apologising for the behaviour of the parent and that they are are OK with it and they wont be taking anything any further. The coach has also informed the club welfare officer who has made note of the situation but wont take it further unless it's raised as an issue by others. How should I report on this if at all? I feel a little awkward as it's a parent from my own sons team so if I report it will it have repercussions? As far as our coach is concerned it's dealt with and the matter is closed so do I just put it down to a one off incident and move forward or should I definitely report on it?
The Ref Stop
This has to be reported as a child protection issue. Doesn't matter what happened, but an adult launching a tirade of abuse against a 10 year old is totally, totally unacceptable and has to be dealt with.