Offsides without assistants


New Member
Level 5 Referee
As a fairly new referee, I have begun by assisting in the Highland League and refereeing the odd juvenile game. One thing which I have often struggled with in my refereeing is getting wide enough to judge offside without compromising my positioning for fouls and misconduct. Are there any guidelines to help??
A&H International
Do the best you can and always give the attacker the benefit of any doubt.

I referee open age without ARs, and you can't ever be in the perfect position during open play so all you can do is your best.

Free kicks/corners etc you can position yourself in line for the restart, but often need to sprint to get back to position once play is under way.
I sometimes have to call offsides with no assistants up the academy and I always say fouls come first, so I only go by fouls and only call offside if it's blaitently offside
Yeah there's not much you can do, if I try and work on my diagonal line so that when I get promoted and get assistants then it will be easy to adapt. I do all junior games and don't often get any grief from the parents/coaches especially those who have had to ref before. If you don't give the offside and someone questions you just point to the rear most defender and say "he played him on" the blame then usually shifts from you to the defended, even if it wasn't him.

Just say to the coaches before that match that you will try your best with offsides but you are a 1 man team, they usually understand but will still appeal, which I can live with
I've found the 'appeals' can be worse when u have ARs - the level of expectation goes up.

In the middle on my own I think they kinda understand a bit more.
Don't give it unless you're absolutely certain. I did an academy game where I thought it was offside but wasn't certain (it was later confirmed to me that it was offside) but I didn't give it. If I had it gives me an obligation to give ones when I think it could be. If you don't give it, you can't be accused of inconsistency. I just explained to the players who appealed that I wasn't certain where the player was at the moment the ball was passed and he accepted it.