Not Your Everyday Friday Evening Game


Active Member
Level 4 Referee
Had a game yesterday wasn't a normal one at all means, it was Shropshire u18 v Australia National Team u18 ladies. These Aussie girls were amazing 3 touch football they ended up winning 5-0 but it could of been more but 5 amazing goals, I don't think I've ever been so happy before & after a match it was such a great experience to have officiated in I think it beats my 4th Official Cup Final appointment. Few tech things I said the Aussie girls were like 'What?' whoops but that's different culture for yah.
That sort of match isn't your everyday match, you even had the u18 men's team on the sideline with the Aussie parents. It's never happened to me before but pictures being taken at the respect handshake and a whole group photo, it was strange but a nice touch.
The Referee Store
Sounds like you enjoyed it. Always a nice feeling :)
It's hard to think when the last game you have walked off the pitch and said to yourself "I really enjoyed that game". But yeah I really enjoyed it, went to bed with a smile.