The Ref Stop

Non-tackle sliding

The Ginger Ref

Well-Known Member
Level 7 Referee
This situation requires a bit of explaining, so bear with me!

An attacker is in possession of the ball, and a defender makes a sliding challenge. However, the defender does not attempt to win the ball—importantly, the slide isn't careless, reckless, or excessive. But the slide forces the attacker to change direction (but they don't need to take evasive action). The defender’s clear intention is to delay or slow the attacker by using the slide as a block, making the attacker change their path to avoid losing the ball or running into the challenge.

To me, this kind of challenge seems to go against the "spirit of the game." It feels borderline obstruction, but it no different to a defender sliding to block a shot. You'd be hard pressed to award a foul for it!

PIADM - doesn't feel particularly dangerous for attacker or defender.

IDFK - Impedes the progress without contact being made - feels like the most obvious criteria but the ball is in playing distance, but the defender isn't playing the ball.

Describing this was really challenging so apologies if it doesn't make sense 🤣
The Ref Stop
Impedes the progress of an opponent without any contact being made = indirect free kick.
I don't disagree but...

The ball is within playing distance (explicit in the LOTG)

The defender chooses not to challenge for the ball (Not explicit in the LOTG)

Impeding the progress of an opponent means moving into the opponent’s path to obstruct, block, slow down or force a change of direction when the ball is not within playing distance of either player.