Never stop learning


RefChat Addict
I don't keep count but I know I have done well over 1000 games and about half of those as AR. Had an incident on Saturday never had before and good learning/development point for me.

Corner kick, all set up for an out-swinging kick. Ball placed very close to goal line and I am right on the line but out of the kickers way. The R is on the far side the recommended position and a lot of players in between. Ball is kicked with just a little curve and clearly stays in. As it is landing I see a defender hitting the deck just outside 6 yard box directly in front of me. I didn't see how it happened as I was concentrating on the path of the ball. There was no way the R could see anything with bodies in the way. If anything, this was mine to call. The defender and a couple of team mates loudly appealing for a foul. Ball lands away from this incident and two touches later it's in the back of the net. Goal is give for 2-0 after a quick chat with R as neither of us saw anything. I copped a little from the defenders and the R managed it well. Both of us had a feeling we may have missed a foul. After the game one of the attacker who won the game 3-0 admitted throwing the defender to the ground (if he was to be believed).

I will be keeping the near side players on my peripheral vision from now on.
A&H International
I don't keep count but I know I have done well over 1000 games and about half of those as AR. Had an incident on Saturday never had before and good learning/development point for me.

Corner kick, all set up for an out-swinging kick. Ball placed very close to goal line and I am right on the line but out of the kickers way. The R is on the far side the recommended position and a lot of players in between. Ball is kicked with just a little curve and clearly stays in. As it is landing I see a defender hitting the deck just outside 6 yard box directly in front of me. I didn't see how it happened as I was concentrating on the path of the ball. There was no way the R could see anything with bodies in the way. If anything, this was mine to call. The defender and a couple of team mates loudly appealing for a foul. Ball lands away from this incident and two touches later it's in the back of the net. Goal is give for 2-0 after a quick chat with R as neither of us saw anything. I copped a little from the defenders and the R managed it well. Both of us had a feeling we may have missed a foul. After the game one of the attacker who won the game 3-0 admitted throwing the defender to the ground (if he was to be believed).

I will be keeping the near side players on my peripheral vision from now on.

Just one of those things. Priority there as AR, ball in out of play, anything else needs be clear and credible for AR to flag. If you see it, bonus, if not, we move on.