Module 5 Course


RefChat Addict
Level 7 Referee
Got mine tonight, just wondering what to expect from it for those who have done it recently?

Will then be a level 8 for a week before my Birthday!
A&H International
Mine was just us all talking about our games, generally high points and low points... Not too sure how we filled 2.5 hours
I wanted to do one, but my county didn't have one available so I was sent my badges/certificate in the post...

Where you doing it? Say hello to Sharpie for me!

Ah it was at the Snow Centre in Hemel. Only 13 of us there, but meant it was quite productive! Didn't see this before going but finally met the illustrious Sharpie!
Ah it was at the Snow Centre in Hemel. Only 13 of us there, but meant it was quite productive! Didn't see this before going but finally met the illustrious Sharpie!
Lucky it was at Snow Centre and not at Herts HQ. Horrible place!!
Sharpie's a legend. Couldn't ask for a better RDO (no offence other counties!)
Ours was split into 2. First half watching videos of challenges and discussing how we would call them. The second half was to discuss the issues we have encountered so far in our matches. Very useful and relaxed session.