The Ref Stop

Mike Dean.....

The Ref Stop
There is a fine line between being a greedy ball hogging band stand who should have frigging pass it, and genius :)
Think it's awesome that he shows a bit of passion and character - but gotta say I hate to see these refs on t'telly giving it the big advantage arms when there's clearly no need. Who's he telling to play on? Where's the foul he's supposedly seen? The one three seconds before he sticks his arms out - and a split second before the goal goes in?

I might try this in my next match. Just as someone's about to roll the ball in the net show everyone my advantage arms and give it the big shout. Then run away celebrating. Assessor would love it.
Except they wouldn't as they would recognise the lack of need for the signal or the advantage and might just penalise you for being silly. @lincs22 will back me up on this. Unnecessarily demonstrative advantage signals look lovely on the tv but not so good in the Dog&Duck League
Except they wouldn't as they would recognise the lack of need for the signal or the advantage and might just penalise you for being silly. @lincs22 will back me up on this. Unnecessarily demonstrative advantage signals look lovely on the tv but not so good in the Dog&Duck League
While Mike Dean can get away with it, try on a normal level game and you are the git.
Except they wouldn't as they would recognise the lack of need for the signal or the advantage and might just penalise you for being silly. @lincs22 will back me up on this. Unnecessarily demonstrative advantage signals look lovely on the tv but not so good in the Dog&Duck League

Apologies. Forgot to put the sarcasm emoji at the end.
Apologies. Forgot to put the sarcasm emoji at the end.
Not necessary but could I swap it for the apology you've not made for using non-standard (and prohibited at grassroots) kits for your profile pic?


Using that hastag is in place of /sarcasm off which is so 90s.
Not necessary but could I swap it for the apology you've not made for using non-standard (and prohibited at grassroots) kits for your profile pic?


Because I'm old I had to look up #justsayin' on Urban Dictionary. Apparently it's "used at the end of something insulting or offensive to take the heat off".

Not sure what you typed was insulting or offensive, so all good there, but I'm only too happy to apologise. I'm sorry. I'm sorry that my profile image is a picture of something I don't wear. That's wrong. Almost as wrong as the guy whose picture shows him playing a guitar. That's wrong too. Definitely can't have one of those on the FOP. ;-)
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Because I'm old I had to look up #justsayin' on Urban Dictionary. Apparently it's "used at the end of something insulting or offensive to take the heat off".

Not sure what you typed was insulting or offensive, so all good there, but I'm only too happy to apologise. I'm sorry. I'm sorry that my profile image is a picture of something I don't wear. That's wrong. Almost as wrong as the guy whose picture shows him playing a guitar. That's wrong too. Definitely can't have one of those on the FOP. ;-)
Hush my keyboard and call me baldy. I didn't look up the urban dictionary as I believed it's existence was an urban legend. I don't wear the thing I've got in in my profile pic either. I've lost weight now, so my old kits are no longer doubling up as marquees (the one in the pic is only tent size).
Because I'm old I had to look up #justsayin' on Urban Dictionary. Apparently it's "used at the end of something insulting or offensive to take the heat off".

Not sure what you typed was insulting or offensive, so all good there, but I'm only too happy to apologise. I'm sorry. I'm sorry that my profile image is a picture of something I don't wear. That's wrong. Almost as wrong as the guy whose picture shows him playing a guitar. That's wrong too. Definitely can't have one of those on the FOP. ;-)

Gutted. I hoped @SM took that typewriter on the FOP every weekend.