The Ref Stop

Manager causing issues


New Member
Level 7 Referee
Had a strange one today which have never come across before.

Boring U15s division 2 game. Green team are beating red home team 4-0 within 20 minutes and everything is fine, the green team manager is running the line for his team, he is wearing a scarf around his face because its that cold so I cant really see or hear what he is saying. A red team player comes over to me to say that the manager is saying nasty things to him like you guys are sh** cos you are losing 4-0 so Im like ok I will have a word with him at HT as I didnt hear anything, The manager comes to me first and says that the player is calling him a cheat for missing a few incidents that I couldn't see, like ball in and out of play as he hasn't kept up with play. I just left it at for a while and decided to listen out more when these 2 were near each other and 10 minutes towards the end I heard this manager say this twice that this team is sh** and that you are sh** towards that player.

Thats where my predicament lies, the game pans out into a 6-2 win for the greens but I didnt want to bring any attention to it as if I did the manager would have caused a big issue and the game would have ended in a bit more of a heated situation hence the reason I left it and everything was fine at the end.

Was I wrong in doing nothing or if I did do something is that the better situation?
The Ref Stop
Child protection trumps everything.
A manager / CAR definitely should not be making disparaging remarks to a team. A youth games, even moreso.

Probably the best way to handle it would just be to run over, tell him to cut it out, and then keep a close eye on him. That would hopefully not create a problem. If he complains about the player just remind him that you're trying to listen out for it, but he's the adult in the situation.

If a problem arises then so be it.
You should of relieved him of his duties and felt with it as you did hear what he was say at that point
You may want to think about report the incident to ensure this manage doesn't do something similar in the future.

I would hate to see what this manager would do if his team was loosing. Even if he is being provoked (as he claimed), he is the adult, he should have been letting you know about any player indiscretion as they happen so you can deal with them.

Ignoring situations like this could work out sometimes but it could backfire badly.