Intro, I guess


The ref on the opposite side of the pond
Hi all ^.^

As the title implies, I guess I need to introduce myself. Then again, who would it hurt right?

My name is Ryan. I'm 18, and actually from the United States, so I'm not sure what a grade 8 translates to, but I'm guessig it's a level 7, as I can only do youth games. Currently it is the offseason and recertification time in the US, so I just wanted to have some place to continue learning about what I love to do. After 2 seasons, I'm still in love with refereeing, but I'm pretty sure my card count is low ;).

Anyways, just thought I'd get that out there. Feel free to ask me any quesions, too!
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A&H International
@DanCohen17 the suburbs are where the parents are, let's just say, less than spectacular. Though, from what I read, England has it worse.
Welcome to RefChat. Always nice having visitors from across the pond.

Enjoy the site