Interference with game

The Referee Store
Really tough question to answer accurately without going through much of the laws of the game. As I suggested before, read the laws of the game more frequently and you get a better idea. I will give it a go but.

Any person or 'thing' who is not supposed to have an impact on play, but it does, is considered to have interfered with play. Generally those who can legally impact play are eligible players on the FOP and the referee of course. The legal objects are the FOP, goals, corner flags the one ball used at the time of play. Some example things/persons who can interfere with play are a sub, a team official, a spectator, an animal, an overhanging branch, a water bottle, a sound (whistle from the adjacent field) etc. Interference does not have to be from outside the field of play too.
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Two categories to consider (off the top of my head) because 'who' interferes is crucial;
1) Those listed on either Team Sheet 2) Outside Agents
As 'Outside Agents', Match Officials get special mention
Interference may involve direct contact with the players or ball, or not as the case may be; such as distraction, extra person on FOP when goal scored etc.
So... 'Who' (or what) interfered, 'How' and 'Where did they interfere, determines the outcome