Interested In Starting A Referee Course Would Like Some Advice/Help Please??


New Member
Hey guys I am thinking of trying to get some evening work at power league refereeing games for some extra cash. I have played 5 aside many times and know all the rules but of course I will need some badges/certificates none the less which is where I would like your advice

A. As I said I just want to referee solely 5 a side games at powerleague so would badges and/or certificates will I need and how long will they take me to get???

B. Where/How do I go about taking these courses and how much will they cost

I'm 19 living in England if this helps

All help much appreciated
A&H International
Contact you local county FA and explain the situation.
I'm sure they do courses just for 5-a-side. In unsure of the cost my the CFA will advise you of this
Good luck
Thanks for the reply Dave much appreciated

Quick question if you would not kind

How would I find out who and how to contact my local county FA

Would I just say to them what I said in the thread basically

lol silly questions I know but just like to get things clear in my head before I do something
Welcome first off. Where abouts in the country are you? Once we know that we can advise who to contact