The Ref Stop

High Card Count

Sheffields Finest

Maybe I'm foolish, maybe I'm blind!
Level 7 Referee
Not that chucking cards about makes you a good or bad referee, but we've all had One of this games when the cards keep flowing and you were happy to oblige.

Using the formula of Two points for a RED & One point for each YELLOW what your highest count shown in a game... Ignore abandonments or extra misconduct and don't count 2 yellows as a red too.....

For me I would say around 11, (three reds and five yellows and most of them were for the same team)
The Ref Stop
5 yellows to one team in an under 14 final. In that season only 7 yellow cards were issued that season 6 of them from me and I only did 3 games at that age group.
Meh. That all you guys have?

I had a game where the cards just weren't working, so it became a match of attrition to see if they'd have any players left by the end.

19 YCs (shockingly... only 2 of these were in the 1st half). +2YC that became a RC (early 2nd half). +RC DOGSO-F (~20th minute of extra time... the penalty missed the net... badly). +2RC VC (after the final whistle).

Yeah... it was a ****show. And the worst part is... I still look back on that one and question how in hell I could've done better. *sigh*

Weirdly... I've never had another game with more than 5 cards (of any colour).
19! Ha! But respect!

11 points here. 7 yc 2 straight reds and 2 double yellow reds. No VC or dissent in that game though which was nice.
14. three straight reds, two double yellows and 4 other yellows. That was this year. 8 is my next best/worst.

Out of my other interesting games, I once had 5 dissent yellows in the first half, all to the same team. They were the only yellows for that team for the entire game that went to extra time.
although by the end they had forgotten their differences and were united in their hatred of me … :)
I've had my fair share of the games which ended that way but sadly quite a few which start that way :)

Did a semi final two weeks ago. A colleague who had friends in both teams came to watch. He came to wish me luck before kick off. He said he has spoken to the captains and they both think I hate their team. Hey... so long as I hate them both equally :). The game ended with two yellows and handshakes from every single one from both teams :)
Worst I’ve had so far is 6 yellows, three for each team.

I’ve only ever had 1 double yellow, and I’ve only ever had 1 straight red.

I must referee some really well behaved teams
Meh. That all you guys have?

I had a game where the cards just weren't working, so it became a match of attrition to see if they'd have any players left by the end.

19 YCs (shockingly... only 2 of these were in the 1st half). +2YC that became a RC (early 2nd half). +RC DOGSO-F (~20th minute of extra time... the penalty missed the net... badly). +2RC VC (after the final whistle).

Yeah... it was a ****show. And the worst part is... I still look back on that one and question how in hell I could've done better. *sigh*

Weirdly... I've never had another game with more than 5 cards (of any colour).
I am the go-to guy for games where they know there's going to be trouble, so I tend to get quite high card counts, but I had a couple that were really bad, even for me. One game I had 7 reds and a few yellows - only two were double yellow!

My worst is 3 red and 17 yellow - the ground was really soft and they kept using it to clatter opponents late and wouldn't listen when I told them to stop so the cards kept on coming. The teams didn't like each other, but by the end they were united in a common foe!

I had one of the teams the other week, and when we were about to start I heard them saying "watch yourself, and whatever happens don't get on at the ref!" so it's working.
I am the go-to guy for games where they know there's going to be trouble, so I tend to get quite high card counts, but I had a couple that were really bad, even for me. One game I had 7 reds and a few yellows - only two were double yellow!

My worst is 3 red and 17 yellow - the ground was really soft and they kept using it to clatter opponents late and wouldn't listen when I told them to stop so the cards kept on coming. The teams didn't like each other, but by the end they were united in a common foe!

I had one of the teams the other week, and when we were about to start I heard them saying "watch yourself, and whatever happens don't get on at the ref!" so it's working.

3 straight reds plus 17 for a total of 23?

Beat that!
Come on spill them beeeeenz
Ready? Ok. 2 reds for Violent conduct, 3 for DOGSO, 1 for Spitting and 2 for Serious foul play. Yellows, 8 for unsporting behaviour, 2 for dissent, and 2 for delaying the restart of play.

I can better that, had 9 reds once, and 11 yellows, but this game was abandoned so didnt count it :)
Ready? Ok. 2 reds for Violent conduct, 3 for DOGSO, 1 for Spitting and 2 for Serious foul play. Yellows, 8 for unsporting behaviour, 2 for dissent, and 2 for delaying the restart of play.

I can better that, had 9 reds once, and 11 yellows, but this game was abandoned so didnt count it :)
How do you get 3x dogso in one game- what kind of game is that?
How do you get 3x dogso in one game- what kind of game is that?
1 was DOGSO-H, the other 2 were for fouls, 1 by the keeper in the box, the other a defender just outside. It wasnt the best game, couldnt wait for it to end