The Ref Stop

Getting Into Refereeing


New Member
Level 5 Referee
Hi All,

Hope everyone is doing well in these times, I have been looking into becoming a referee at some point and just wanted to see if anyone has any tips into getting into it. None of the introduction evening or courses are running at the moment obviously but any help would be appreciated.

Look forward to hearing from you, and take care
The Ref Stop
Download the LOTG from IFAB and familiarise yourself with the laws and the terms.

Then watch as much football as possible from around the world and try and see why a certain decision was given in the context of the laws.
Thank you for that, I’ve downloaded the app and can use this lockdown as well as I can. I want to ask, what are the costs and everything before I even step foot onto a pitch?
Craziest has to have been a 30 man melee at full time in a game I did.

Too many really good experiences to mention, but being an AR for a local cup final at a Premier League ground has to be right up there. It was an experience that I would never have come close to as a player.
Giving that last minute surprise stick on penalty that causes WW3...... ;)
Shoving a RC up the nose of a foaming player who's right in your face spilling his bile!!!
Waiting 2 minutes of play to shove a YC in front of a player who thought he'd got away with something!!
Seeing a worldie scored when you've waved a play-on advantage!!!
Jogging 70 yards to YC a gobby keeper who thinks you've got a corner wrong 90 yards from him and you need a dog!!

Must be a few others we all enjoy!!!
I’ll bear that in mind!
What’s everyone’s craziest AND best experience?
Do it!
Just remember it might take time.
It takes games and games and games to find yourself.
The shortcuts are: learn the laws, be fit enough, be prepared, be open and constructive with all criticism (on here and with colleagues), and... run the line to work on better matches and with refs at levels above you.

Craziest: 4 red cards, ambulance, 15 minute ambulance break, in close to 30 degrees, U16 intl tournament semi final, insane game, had everything, luckily I had great assistants, and I stayed in control, game of my life no doubt.

Best experience: assisting on Real Madrid u15s in a semi final-type match with around 1000 fans behind me.

Both of those courtesy of Referee Abroad.
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They sound amazing... it must be nice to look back at that! I have done a lot of googling which I can appreciate is nowhere near the full story, but how easy is it to "find" games to become referee? Do the local FA allocate or what?
Don’t wait to do it. I’ve been wanting to be a referee since I was 16. I’m 27 now and just passed my course before lockdown. Can’t wait to get started. Good luck
They sound amazing... it must be nice to look back at that! I have done a lot of googling which I can appreciate is nowhere near the full story, but how easy is it to "find" games to become referee? Do the local FA allocate or what?
The course for new referees was being changed just before the lockdown, and will look very different when we resume training referees. The length and content are being revised, which may or may not affect the cost.
Once you express interest via your County FA or The FA website, you will receive details of how to proceed.
Once you pass, the local tutors and County FA will tell you the way in which games are allocated in your area - it varies by county - and full details of fees, choice of leagues, adult/youth/Mini soccer, etc.
Be patient for now - once County FA's reopen there will be courses arranged.
Enjoy your refereeing when you do start!
Thank you for the info - exciting times! I’m keeping busy reading LOTG and watching controversial referee moments.
Get fit. You need to be fit enough to get into the right positions
Personally (for grass roots football), I'd indicate a ball park ability to run an 8 minute mile, with muscles adapted for frequent shuttles in all directions and occasional flat out sprinting
Thank you for that, I have previously been a marathon runner so endurance I am not too concerned but will need to add some agility and speed work in!
I’m back! Had a lovely chat with the Rep at Worcestershire FA and looks like I’m definitely making the decision to get into refereeing!
He did say you need to ref 5 games before you can pass the course... how easy is it to get those games before you pass the course and how did you get the opportunities?