football league leniency

Kent Ref

RefChat Addict
i was at a football league game tonight and observed the following:

A keeper makes a save and released the ball 34 seconds later.

An away player blasts the assistant over a throw in for about a minute - no action taken.

The away team wastes time at throws ins for 70 minutes - referee eventually shows the yellow card for the 6th offence.

Do the FL refs get told to ignore blatant offences?
A&H International
i was at a football league game tonight and observed the following:

A keeper makes a save and released the ball 34 seconds later.

An away player blasts the assistant over a throw in for about a minute - no action taken.

The away team wastes time at throws ins for 70 minutes - referee eventually shows the yellow card for the 6th offence.

Do the FL refs get told to ignore blatant offences?

the assistant surely needs step up though, if the referee is not backing his colleague then regardless of prematch/comms, whatever, if as AR you are subject to a prolonged blast, advise a caution.

if for some unknown reason the referee refuses to card,thats on him
They get told that they are managing an event, not just a game of football, and to think that professional games will be refereed the same as games on a Sunday morning is at best naïve. Also, there is still an observer at EFL games who will critique every decision and aspect of their performance, they will be looking to impress him, not necessarily the crowd.
They get told that they are managing an event
It's the instructions that Referees work to that cause most of the problems with Officiating
Just Referee the game using the framework of the LOTG in the context of the 'Spirit of the Game'. It strikes me that this talk of 'Refereeing an Event' is consistent with fretting about the commercial side of the game. I firmly believe that if Referees were given license to get on with the former (LOTG and SotG), the 'event' (GAME) would benefit from better Officiating and standards would improve to reflect the ability of the individual Referees rather than the instructions forced upon them

I keep saying it but, 'The Standard of Officiating is nowhere near good enough across the board and I'm adamant that it's not the Officials themselves who are predominantly responsible for this'
I'd love to see an EPL Referee demonstrate their ability without being told what to do (also without Big Brother distracting them from KMD's, but that's going off the subject)
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It's the instructions that Referees work to that cause most of the problems with Officiating
Just Referee the game using the framework of the LOTG in the context of the 'Spirit of the Game'. It strikes me that this talk of 'Refereeing an Event' is consistent with fretting about the commercial side of the game. I firmly believe that if Referees were given license to get on with the former (LOTG and SotG), the 'event' (GAME) would benefit from better Officiating and standards would improve to reflect the ability of the individual Referees rather than the instructions forced upon them

I keep saying it but, 'The Standard of Officiating is nowhere near good enough across the board and I'm adamant that it's not the Officials themselves who are predominantly responsible for this'
I'd love to see an EPL Referee demonstrate their ability without being told what to do (also without Big Brother distracting them from KMD's, but that's going off the subject)
Don't disagree, but until Mike Riley's replacement is in place nothing will change. And even then whoever it is might well struggle to change things as The Premier League and Football League have way too much influence over PGMOL.
Don't disagree, but until Mike Riley's replacement is in place nothing will change. And even then whoever it is might well struggle to change things as The Premier League and Football League have way too much influence over PGMOL.
What's happening with Riley?
This two sets of laws lark has been going on now for over 10 years.

If you want two different sets of LOTG then please issue them.

If there's one set then please do not use fantasy to avoid them. "Managing an event" is just an excuse.
What's the cutoff for switching between sets of laws? Do we have referees who graduate to the "pro" laws and then never do grassroots again? Or do they yo-yo between pro and grassroots laws?
What's the cutoff for switching between sets of laws? Do we have referees who graduate to the "pro" laws and then never do grassroots again? Or do they yo-yo between pro and grassroots laws?
No - you have one set that we ALL use.
There are always going to be differences between pro level games and other games. Just as there are differences between a 10U game and a 19U game--if you called either of those games the same as the other level, it would be a fiasco. I don't think this really about different Laws, but about which Laws get more laxly enforced at which levels. (And indeed, even among levels, in different competitions--from what I can see, the lines drawn in the PL can be radically different from those drawn in other top level competitions.)