The Ref Stop

Discrimination Report question

The Gump

Active Member
Level 7 Referee
Evening ladies & gents. Quick question for those with experience.

Submitted an extraordinary report at the weekend following local Dog & Duck fixture. Outside of two personal howlers (both out of character but mercifully non-impactful) that I owned, a feisty game on behalf of one of the two teams with three blatant YCs within 20 minutes for the home team culminating in a discriminatory (homophobic slur) comment aimed at an opposition player being made by one of the home team players, stood literally a yard from me, after I’d privately warned him about a challenge given he was already on a yellow.

Cue straight RC with brief explanation, followed by explanation to home team manager and coach, and to visiting team skipper. Notes taken live (brief but 5 mins from half time, and as I’d heard it clearly more notes written at half time).

In your experience, will this just get dealt with by a likely 6+ match suspension, or will o be contacted for a statement or have to appear before a panel as a witness? Very relaxed about either option but would be interested to know the likely course of action.

Thanks in advance.
The Ref Stop
Assume you submitted an extraordinary misconduct report, the player will be charged and what happens next depends on whether the player requests a hearing.
well done on reporting it, many don’t bother.

If the player accepts the charge you probably won’t hear about it again, he will get the ban and fine and course. If it’s a hearing be prepped with your reports wording to ensure you don’t contradict it, refer to it “as I wrote in my report” and you’ll be fine. I assume there will be witnesses who could testify to what was said? Expect a long process in the event of a hearing, months of waiting
Assume you submitted an extraordinary misconduct report, the player will be charged and what happens next depends on whether the player requests a hearing.
well done on reporting it, many don’t bother.

If the player accepts the charge you probably won’t hear about it again, he will get the ban and fine and course. If it’s a hearing be prepped with your reports wording to ensure you don’t contradict it, refer to it “as I wrote in my report” and you’ll be fine. I assume there will be witnesses who could testify to what was said? Expect a long process in the event of a hearing, months of waiting
Thanks both. Quite a few players of both teams heard so hopefully he accepts the charge and takes what I’m guessing is a likely 6 match suspension.
There is a third possibility although this one is very rare. The player may deny the charge but you may just be emailed for further details etc. It’s unlikely but it does happen (my emails were constantly filling my inbox when this happened to me last season).