The Ref Stop

Difference between Reckless Play and Dangerous Play


Youth Referee
Hi all,

Had my first U16 middle today with two linos.

Game was totally fine in the first half, no complaints, nothing to warrant a caution. Gave a penalty in the first few minutes for a clear trip-up by blue player. Blue team complained but I had perfect view and so did Lino.

Got a few tips from senior Lino at HT but overall said I’ve had a great game.

Second half: a lot more feisty. I felt I kept control as best I could and stayed consistent, but more fouls were flying in and so therefore more complaining. One blue player kept getting pushed or tripped, but not enough for caution again. No persistent infringement really either. 71st minute, someone goes flying in, wins the ball but also the man, clear yellow card, no complaints. 81st minute, blue player on attack, opposition slides her down. Blue coach gets really angry saying she wants to end game now with 1 minute remaining because she wants to protect her players. I say we’ve got one minute left, I’ve given two yellows. And we continue and finish the game.

Coach says to me at end she thinks I could have used cards sooner, but I don’t think any offence warranted one. She said some other things I agree with and I replied “I’m learning as I go. This is my first U15/U16 game”. She’s totally happy with that and I go home and reflect on what I did well and what I should improve on.

Happy for some advice for U16 level but my main question is completely unrelated: what’s the difference between Reckless Play and Dangerous Play?
The Ref Stop
Reckless is when a player acts with disregard to the danger to, or consequences for, an opponent and must be cautioned.
Dangerous play is not necessarily a cautionable offence, typically high foot near another player, goalkeeper coming out with knee raised as attacker nears, etc.