Having recently moved up to Yorkshire from Middlesex, I have found that clubs are directed by County FA not to encourage club assistants to assist with offsides. This proved for a very interesting first game at the start of the season!
In Middlesex, and other counties i have refereed games in, it is/was the 'done' thing to ask club assistants to help with offsides, and in a pre-match briefing to both you explained what you wanted from them. If you felt they were not making the correct calls (or you suspected a bit of cheating!) you could monitor the next few, then make the call as to whether to go over and have a quiet word or for the club to change the assistant.
I felt this worked well in two ways; It allowed you to concentrate and focus on the game itself, and, if a referee ever gets to a level where they are provided with neutral assistants regularly then they are already used to having assistants doing what neutral assistants will do. It can only be a good thing with regards to positioning, communication etc.
I understand why some county FA's suggest that referees make offside decisions, however over the past couple of months it has forced me to completely change my game, and perhaps I will have taken a step backwards with regards to how i work with two assistants.
Having spoken with other local referees it has proven to be an interesting topic of debate so i wondered what anyone's thoughts on it were?
In Middlesex, and other counties i have refereed games in, it is/was the 'done' thing to ask club assistants to help with offsides, and in a pre-match briefing to both you explained what you wanted from them. If you felt they were not making the correct calls (or you suspected a bit of cheating!) you could monitor the next few, then make the call as to whether to go over and have a quiet word or for the club to change the assistant.
I felt this worked well in two ways; It allowed you to concentrate and focus on the game itself, and, if a referee ever gets to a level where they are provided with neutral assistants regularly then they are already used to having assistants doing what neutral assistants will do. It can only be a good thing with regards to positioning, communication etc.
I understand why some county FA's suggest that referees make offside decisions, however over the past couple of months it has forced me to completely change my game, and perhaps I will have taken a step backwards with regards to how i work with two assistants.
Having spoken with other local referees it has proven to be an interesting topic of debate so i wondered what anyone's thoughts on it were?