

RefChat Addict
Havertz’s high arm at 40’ is a good training clip. Definitely misconduct and a discussion point for reckless yellow vs SFP red as well as examining for a VAR review. For me, it’s barely, and I mean BARELY, yellow. The only thing keeping it from SFP is Havertz didn’t swing his arm and he never looked back at the Newcastle player (so he wasn’t “lining him up”). But it’s definitely high and at least reckless.

Regardless of the on field call, I don’t think VAR can recommend an OFR here. Had Coote gone red, it’s very defensible. The caution also isn’t (for me at least) a clear and obvious mistake.

Full disclosure that I follow Chelsea more than most PL teams because of Pulisic, so take my observations with the appropriate amount of salt.
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A&H International
Also thought this was interesting - again for full disclosure I’m a Newcastle fan. I don’t think there’s much intent from Havertz, but he has elbowed a player in the face with force. I think it’s clearly endangering an opponent and more red than yellow, but can also understand the VAR call not to overturn with the laws as they are.

Interesting comparison too with rugby, where the sanction is more dependent on the outcome than the intent (see England’s red after 82 seconds yesterday). The responsibility is on the player not to make head contact in a dangerous way, and even if there’s minimal intent it’s a red.
Also thought this was interesting - again for full disclosure I’m a Newcastle fan. I don’t think there’s much intent from Havertz, but he has elbowed a player in the face with force. I think it’s clearly endangering an opponent and more red than yellow, but can also understand the VAR call not to overturn with the laws as they are.

Interesting comparison too with rugby, where the sanction is more dependent on the outcome than the intent (see England’s red after 82 seconds yesterday). The responsibility is on the player not to make head contact in a dangerous way, and even if there’s minimal intent it’s a red.
I need to pull this clip for the referee course I’m teaching in two weeks. It’s a great clip to show how subjective refereeing a football/soccer match is. It wouldn’t surprise me a bit to see the room split 50/50 on yellow vs red. I can’t really argue or debate any of your points. Had Havertz been sent off, VAR shouldn’t have intervened and Chelsea would have no complaint.
Anyone giving a penalty for that?
I don't understand how it wasn't? Forget the trip/shove, he had hold of his shirt twice in two different places stopping him from running towards goal.

The shove is the icing on top of the cake.

How about the boot to the face?
Red for arm as a weapon (though I understand why yellow means no OFR. Have you seen Burn’s head?)

Easy penalty on Chaba - it cannot be a corner, he doesn’t touch the ball, shirt pulling and tripping, easy pen.

and then foot in the face is only yellow from Zayech, really?

I think Newcastle are getting robbed here.
That offside saved David Coote a horrible decision, given that he hadn't given the Newcastle one
Looks like I picked the wrong time to switch over to the Leeds-Norwich game (I’m American, and we have Marsch and Sargent to watch).
Chelsea have got away with one here. Red card and penalty. I’m guessing the clear and obvious criteria coming in.

And that was a clear penalty there if it wasn’t offside.
Crikey, Newcastle have not had the rub of the green. Whoever is in.the VAR box is having a shocker. Not recommending a viewing for the clear.and obvious error in not awarding Newcastle a pen is incredible.
Also, anyone having a red card for Chelsea for the kick in the head moments later?
Clearly Oblivious is what the game expects
Not fussed about the elbow. Players must jump with elbows for leverage. Yes, it's SFP, but excusable for Match Officials
The PK however. Dear me. I know they're running out of shirts in SE London, but ours are the wrong colour FGS
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Hard to take for Newcastle, a loss and a couple of interesting decisions against them

Still not convinced about Coote being a FIFA referee
I've said for many years though... ''it makes no odds what happens on the FOP, success is determined solely by the dubious ownership of clubs". Nothing else matters, not even VAR. The tide has turned between the two teams for dreadful reasons. That's 'clear & obvious'. It is what it is
The game wasn't a great advert for football. Russia v Saudi with VAR in no-man's land
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I thought in the first half he was really struggling to control the game, and it didn't get any better in the second half. For me it has to be red for SFP for Havertz, he has hit him at real speed there and could have caused serious damage. Likewise I think Ziyech was very, very lucky to stay on, if you kick a kick an opponent in the head 5" off the ground you should expect to see red.

Then there is a clear, clear penalty, I just don't see how VAR can say that wasn't a clear and obvious error to not give it. Chalobah has a massive chunk of Murphy's shirt, then pushes him, and for good measure trips him as well. Really not a good day for the officials, you can almost excuse David Coote as not all easy to spot real time, but not John Brooks who gets to watch them multiple times from different angles. Mike Riley will be making another apology phone call tomorrow, but that is just papering over the cracks and he needs to sort VAR out or go.
No need for disclosure, as most already know, I am lifelong Chelsea fan (as is my dad) and we got lucky today.

Havertz is lucky boy, raised elbows is always a contentious subject and would have had no complaints had the card been red.

Chalobah's "challenge" in the box looked a nailed on penalty. How VAR continues to hide behind "clear and obvious" and ignore fouls in the box defies belief regardless how high they set the so called bar. Had that been at the other end, I would have been fuming. Newcastle have every right to feel hard done by. Sky reported that VAR apparently said the shirt pull wasn't enough, if true, it's utter garbage!

Werner being offside again (probably been offside more times than Arsenal's red card count) has saved Coote and VAR from another potentially awkward decision to make regarding the keeper's challenge.