The Ref Stop

Chelsea Euro pens

santa sangria

RefChat Addict
Pen drama then, surprised there’s no a post on this already.

Pen appeal in first half - Che attacker takes a big push in the back in the act of shooting in the box. Local commentator went crazy. For me the ref was poorly positioned directly behind, it was an obvious cynical foul with no attempt to play the ball. The push in the back clearly prevented a better shot. Easy PK RC for me. Nothing from VAR.

Pen retake - Dortmund player desperately unlucky IMHO. 8+ players from both sides encroaching. How could they not when the kicker pauses in the penultimate step?

Ball hits post, encroaching defender clears. Retake scored.

Some commentators/journos (Talksh***) saying a straight goal would have also been disallowed for Chelsea encroachment -

I would like to see the penalty law changed so there’s no pausing/feinting/****ing about in the run up. It would fairer and we would minimize encroachment edge cases like this.
The Ref Stop
the encroachment is caused (partially) by the feint. without that, they would have been much closer to the edge of the box. i'd like to see feinting done away with too.

once it's happened though it's clearly encroachment, unfortunately

the push in the back was a deffo pen for me

the one they got, never a handball!
BT's commentators dismissed the first half penalty appeal as "not enough contact", which always makes me laugh, especially when it's so blatant and a similar foul with less force was given just minutes later on the half way line, greeted by the commentary team as "obvious foul" :confused:

Agree regarding run/walk ups, once a player has started, should be one continuous movement until the kick is taken.
BT's commentators dismissed the first half penalty appeal as "not enough contact", which always makes me laugh, especially when it's so blatant and a similar foul with less force was given just minutes later on the half way line, greeted by the commentary team as "obvious foul" :confused:

Agree regarding run/walk ups, once a player has started, should be one continuous movement until the kick is taken.
In the US, high school writes its own rules for soccer, which mostly track the LOTG. In their Rule 14, however, they require "continuous motion"--but permit hesitation or stutter step as long as the motion continues.

I'm a bit neutral on this one as a change. Players encroach because it doesn't get called per the book, but only gets called in the very unusual situations where the player gets involved with a live ball after a save/miss. Why players don't tune into the fact that they cannot benefit from going in early and stop doing it (at least in games with a VAR) is bit mystifying.
Ball hits post, encroaching defender clears. Retake scored.

Some commentators/journos (Talksh***) saying a straight goal would have also been disallowed for Chelsea encroachment -
It's perhaps worth mentioning that under the VAR protocol, encroachment can only be reviewed when:


So if a goal had been scored directly, it would not have been a reviewable incident.
It's perhaps worth mentioning that under the VAR protocol, encroachment can only be reviewed when:

View attachment 6432

So if a goal had been scored directly, it would not have been a reviewable incident.
People like Dale Johnson keep referencing this document. However this is a document from 2017 that was created during the early testing phase of VAR when the LOTG had nothing about VAR in it.

Now the actual laws have their own protocol section for VAR and it simply says a player who encroached only needs to interfere with play to trigger involvement from VAR.