Brentford-Wolves and Frank send-off


RefChat Addict
I didn't watch this one as I was watching Leeds-Newcastle on my phone and West Ham-Man United on my TV (one advantage of living in the US is we can watch all of the 3 PM Saturday games). Anyone have more context around this? It looks like Bankes said something to Frank that clearly set him off after the initial caution.

A&H International
I think the point here is while Frank was held responsible for what he said, Bankes wasn't.

So in, as is in the the real world, you are only responsible if you get caught.
I think the point here is while Frank was held responsible for what he said, Bankes wasn't.

So in, as is in the the real world, you are only responsible if you get caught.
That’s my point. No doubt that Frank should be held responsible. If he said something that deserved a red, then by all means issue the red.

I don’t know what Bankes said. All I can say is that based on the video, it appears that Bankes said something as he issued the caution. Again, based on the video, Frank (who I haven’t seen as terribly antagonistic toward officials in general) immediately turned around to escalate matters.

On a different forum, there was a post basically saying Frank told Bankes something to the effect of “you already gave me a yellow, might as well just give me the red, too.” No clue how valid that is, but to me it looks like Bankes may have unnecessarily poured some gasoline on a fire. We’ll see what comes from any review of what happened.
I was watching earlier in the game and I note that once again there was comms failure that delayed the start of the second half.

That’s maybe the 6th time I’ve seen comms failure this season versus basically none before. What is going on and what nonsense are they using?
What annoys me about this is refs take abuse all game from players which is worthy of a caution, but they never produce cards. Manager says something - boom a caution/red without hesitation.

Bruno Fernandes could probably get about 5 cautions a game for what he does. Never recall him getting cautioned for his petulance.
Enters field of play to confront match official at half time/full time

red card offence.

Its full time. He is on the pitch. From the clip I dont think the referee was his initial target but there is certainly confrontation going on,

Nothing positive can come out surrounding a referee after the game, what done is done, cant influence the next decision, cant change the decision from the second minute, its purely done to undermine, sometimes its a show for the fans, mostly its just to be seen to be a figurehead.

more power to the referee who is strong in the face of attack.
On a different forum, there was a post basically saying Frank told Bankes something to the effect of “you already gave me a yellow, might as well just give me the red, too."

Frank said that was what he said in his MOTD interview after the game. He also half held his hands up (my interpretation) and said he didn't necessarily agree with the cards but spends a lot of time lecturing players on not picking up silly cards/keeping emotions in check and he didn't do that and that was "stupid" of him (his words).
What annoys me about this is refs take abuse all game from players which is worthy of a caution, but they never produce cards. Manager says something - boom a caution/red without hesitation.

Bruno Fernandes could probably get about 5 cautions a game for what he does. Never recall him getting cautioned for his petulance.

The answer is simple, yet cynical. Fans come to watch Bruno Fernandes. They don’t come to watch Thomas Frank.

I wish it wasn’t true, but it is.
I can’t comment on the accuracy of media reports but several are now saying he was cautioned twice - first for a confrontation with a Wolves player and then again for comments to the referee.

If accurate that might explain the delayed red. But a big if…
I can’t comment on the accuracy of media reports but several are now saying he was cautioned twice - first for a confrontation with a Wolves player and then again for comments to the referee.

If accurate that might explain the delayed red. But a big if…
Don't think so as he has been charged today for his comments to the referee, he wouldn't get an E3.1 charge for comments that are only cautionable, they wouldn't even be reported by the referee.
Frank (who I haven’t seen as terribly antagonistic toward officials in general) immediately turned around to escalate matters.
I’ve not seen a lot of him this season, but I’m the championship he was very good at what I would call ‘indirect dissent’. He would make gestures at himself like looking at the floor whilst tapping his watch, walking back to his own bench gesture a shirt grab, that sort of thing and randomly turn to his side and shout at nobody whilst also trying to rile up home support whenever he disagreed with referees. He had this knack of getting other people to get on the back of the referee bar himself and players
Reading some forums last couple days it seems he was annoyed with the antics of some Wolves players and the inconsistencies throughout the match.
I've just seen this video on Facebook (link is to Facebook) and I'm struggling to think how the keeper got away with this and the Brentford captain got a caution. The keeper Sa literally shoulder charges into Toney and although a short clip, doesn't look like he made any effort to block. It does look like the keeper charges into him.
I believe Jansson, the captain, had been carded.
This happened right after the equaliser for Brentford in/around the 75th minute.

For what it's worth I stopped refereeing a while ago on the level of abusive dissent from players and team staff. I was 58 and a lifetime in the Navy so well adjusted to a healthy use of language in normal life, but it simply rose to the level when I decided I didn't need that level of sh*te week in week out and the county FA was not terribly proactive in this regard beyond repeating whatever the anodyne FA campaign de jour was. This level of dissent comes both from the individuals themselves (and thus societal) but also, and significantly, from the top level. Whether it's staff or players, or pundits it doesn't matter. If you create open season on the officials then you shall reap at all levels of the game. I'm only one low level ref ..but I know I'm not alone...
For what it's worth I stopped refereeing a while ago on the level of abusive dissent from players and team staff. I was 58 and a lifetime in the Navy so well adjusted to a healthy use of language in normal life, but it simply rose to the level when I decided I didn't need that level of sh*te week in week out and the county FA was not terribly proactive in this regard beyond repeating whatever the anodyne FA campaign de jour was. This level of dissent comes both from the individuals themselves (and thus societal) but also, and significantly, from the top level. Whether it's staff or players, or pundits it doesn't matter. If you create open season on the officials then you shall reap at all levels of the game. I'm only one low level ref ..but I know I'm not alone...
Nothing will change until we see it first on TV