Being "Googled"


RefChat Addict
Done a cup match today, in which the away side have travelled some distance. It is a national cup for a youth age group.

Coach introduced himself and asked a couple of questions such as how I deal with language etc as apparently they sent a coach or someone to watch their opponents the previous weak and the referee literally pulled every player up for swearing even if in frustration.
For starters, never seen a team at any age group scout opponents so that threw me a bit.
But I responded by saying each case is judged individually, if their is a case. But my rule of thumb is, if it's not aimed directly at anyone, or used in an aggressive manner, then generally I let it slide but if it gets too much or too loud, a word on the go and then public rollicking, if continues, will occur.
He appreciated that and thanked me for explaining.

He then said, as they do with all referees and opponents, they Google them.
He stated, rather than asked, "you're not from round here". No, I'm not, I moved from London earlier this year I replied. He then said is that near Berkshire. Knowing where this is going, I said I am originally from there and then said I know what your about to say and yes, the article you'd have read is about me. He read about the time, 7 years ago, I was assaulted.

I can maybe expect a bit of research from semi pro teams and up, but not a youth team.

At the end of the game, and no cards (first time in about 6 weeks), I was told by the travelling team they liked me and wished I could ref in their city. Shame it's nearly 2 hours away.
The team liked how I communicated with the players and where possible explained where they'd gone wrong. This led to, apparently, players understanding and learning throughout the game and not being confused. One even said it's probably why none of his players got booked.

Good to hear feedback.
A&H International
Well done!

That’s an interesting one. Youth national cup... yeah, I can understand the research. I deal with very well “prepared” youth teams every now and again, with an army of assistants, train 5 times a week etc.

This makes me think of e.g. coaches looking for an advantage by asking about how you handle fake corners etc.

When I’ve had this with an inquisitive coach, I’ve made sure I tell all the same answers to the other coach :)
Sounds like great planning and preparation by the team involved! I certainly look into the recent playing records, player changes, management comments etc for the teams I'm due to referee so I've no issue if they also want to do their homework on me!
For starters, never seen a team at any age group scout opponents so that threw me a bit.

It's not that unusual. Whilst refereeing locally I've often seen coaches/managers watching from the sidelines if their own team is not playing. In national youth cup competitions scouting the opposition is pretty normal particularly in the latter stages of a competition.
It's common the higher you go, teams want to know about their referees ahead of the game. One of the reasons why most senior referees either shut down their social media accounts or use a fake name as you will have people dredging through your history. I got asked after one contrib game by the home manager whether I thought my below par performance was due to me having jetlag. Didn't think I'd got anything wrong, but the club clearly knew I'd only landed back rom Asia two days before and they could only have known that by looking me up before the game and finding it on Facebook.
It's common the higher you go, teams want to know about their referees ahead of the game. One of the reasons why most senior referees either shut down their social media accounts or use a fake name as you will have people dredging through your history. I got asked after one contrib game by the home manager whether I thought my below par performance was due to me having jetlag. Didn't think I'd got anything wrong, but the club clearly knew I'd only landed back rom Asia two days before and they could only have known that by looking me up before the game and finding it on Facebook.

My name on Facebook is "different" to my actual name. I use initials for the surname bit. Twitter is my gamer tag for Xbox but even then, I barely do anything on it.
This was a boys U17 match. No majorness about it (playing loose with my English there), other than it was a last 32 in a cup. The national cup, although sounds great, is just like a county cup I imagine.
But fair play to them. They won, they done their homework and are through to the last 16.
Can't say I've been googled but the other week I did a youth game and the manager was " oh you're that guy I see running all the time " not a problem so long as I don't become " there's that knob head ref from the other day" when I'm out running
I really hope I was googled...... Being a founder member of the ''OFFS, Its that F'kin **** again Society" though I was always warmly welcomed!!!
It's common the higher you go, teams want to know about their referees ahead of the game. One of the reasons why most senior referees either shut down their social media accounts or use a fake name as you will have people dredging through your history.

Damn, if I get promoted this season I'm deleting everything I guess. :p