The Ref Stop

Assessment Number Two


I was again assessed on Saturday. A game between two local teams and was played in good spirit. It was a good assessment, with some good development points.

One of the observations the assessor made was in regard to jewellery. I had a bizarre situation where one of the players was late in a tackle about 20 minutes in, when in the process of booking him I noticed he had a stud in the inner part of his ear. When I told him to remove it he said he couldn't and then subbed himself off!

I also awarded a close goal-no goal. I'm happy that the assessor though I dealt with the protests well.

Overall very happy with another 7.5. I'm looking for the 3B grade this season so a good start in terms of marks.


The Ref Stop
Inner part of the ear piercings can be a nightmare to spot. I had a guy wearing a tiny black stud partially hidden under a top flap of ear (dickens would be proud of that use of descriptive words!). Didn't see it until I had cause to talk to him. Off he went for 10 minutes to try and take the stupid thing out before he eventually came back on. I had done an inspection in the changing room, just missed it due to size and location.

It happens mate. Good assessment though mate with some good development advice to take on board.