
The Ginger Ref

Active Member
Level 7 Referee
This is a two-part question, and I’ll do my best not to upset any fellow members or appointment secretaries.

While I know these questions are best directed at the secretaries, getting a response from them has been challenging, to say the least.

1. What happens if you’re registered with multiple leagues? Is there a risk of being appointed to two games simultaneously and then needing to resolve the conflict yourself?

For context, I’m registered with both a Sunday men’s league and a Sunday youth league, and I’ve made myself available for both. I’m concerned that I might receive appointments for both leagues on the same day and then have to sort it out retrospectively.

2. This is where I’ll try not to ruffle any feathers. I find managing availability quite challenging, and I’m sure secretaries do as well. For example, being asked to confirm my availability from now until the end of the year is difficult. I recently realised that I’m unavailable for two weekends due to other commitments, but I had already informed the secretary that I was available when asked earlier. Now, I’ll likely have to turn down an appointment that I had initially accepted. Surely there’s a better system in place to manage availability?

Just to add to the second point, I fully appreciate that being a referee secretary is a thankless and challenging task. However, I’m not in a situation where I can commit to refereeing every weekend. I still want to contribute to the sport when I can and enjoy refereeing, but I also have a life outside of football. It almost feels easier to offer my services directly to a club and referee as needed rather than risk inconveniencing a secretary.
A&H International
This is a two-part question, and I’ll do my best not to upset any fellow members or appointment secretaries.

While I know these questions are best directed at the secretaries, getting a response from them has been challenging, to say the least.

1. What happens if you’re registered with multiple leagues? Is there a risk of being appointed to two games simultaneously and then needing to resolve the conflict yourself?

For context, I’m registered with both a Sunday men’s league and a Sunday youth league, and I’ve made myself available for both. I’m concerned that I might receive appointments for both leagues on the same day and then have to sort it out retrospectively.

2. This is where I’ll try not to ruffle any feathers. I find managing availability quite challenging, and I’m sure secretaries do as well. For example, being asked to confirm my availability from now until the end of the year is difficult. I recently realised that I’m unavailable for two weekends due to other commitments, but I had already informed the secretary that I was available when asked earlier. Now, I’ll likely have to turn down an appointment that I had initially accepted. Surely there’s a better system in place to manage availability?

Just to add to the second point, I fully appreciate that being a referee secretary is a thankless and challenging task. However, I’m not in a situation where I can commit to refereeing every weekend. I still want to contribute to the sport when I can and enjoy refereeing, but I also have a life outside of football. It almost feels easier to offer my services directly to a club and referee as needed rather than risk inconveniencing a secretary.
1. You will almost certainly get clashes and that will cause you problems as you know 100% that you won't be able to do one of them, assuming they're different ref secs. If it's the same guy you'll probably still be appointed to both leagues as they're very busy people so probably won't realise, if this is the case it's probably worth dropping them an email and asking them how they'd prefer you to do it.

2. I only do my availability about a month ahead so I'm not too sure on you're situation but I'd mark it out as best you can and just change it as and when you know. (It's better to mark as unavailable if unsure then change it), ref secs typically have a shortage of refs so they probably won't mind this too much.

I hope that helps.
1. You will almost certainly get clashes and that will cause you problems as you know 100% that you won't be able to do one of them, assuming they're different ref secs. If it's the same guy you'll probably still be appointed to both leagues as they're very busy people so probably won't realise, if this is the case it's probably worth dropping them an email and asking them how they'd prefer you to do it.

2. I only do my availability about a month ahead so I'm not too sure on you're situation but I'd mark it out as best you can and just change it as and when you know. (It's better to mark as unavailable if unsure then change it), ref secs typically have a shortage of refs so they probably won't mind this too much.

I hope that helps.
1. There's two strategies I can think of here... Firstly only open to one of them at a time for example alternate weekends. Secondly, as soon as you receive am appointment from one inform the other you are no longer available.

2.a year ahead seems excessive. Most I've ever heard of is a month and even then its amendable. Nothing is set in stone, because, life. Maybe speak to other refs on the league to see how they manage it. I know you've tried to contact the relevant secs but maybe a phone call is best.
Now, I’ll likely have to turn down an appointment that I had initially accepted.
I agree with everything already said, but just to add something to this specific point. If you are aware you are unavailable now, if the appointment hasn't already been made, tell the ref sec now. Saves any confusion. If the appointment has been made, it's even more important that you tell them now so that they can replace you (or at least try to).
This is a two-part question, and I’ll do my best not to upset any fellow members or appointment secretaries.

While I know these questions are best directed at the secretaries, getting a response from them has been challenging, to say the least.

1. What happens if you’re registered with multiple leagues? Is there a risk of being appointed to two games simultaneously and then needing to resolve the conflict yourself?

For context, I’m registered with both a Sunday men’s league and a Sunday youth league, and I’ve made myself available for both. I’m concerned that I might receive appointments for both leagues on the same day and then have to sort it out retrospectively.

2. This is where I’ll try not to ruffle any feathers. I find managing availability quite challenging, and I’m sure secretaries do as well. For example, being asked to confirm my availability from now until the end of the year is difficult. I recently realised that I’m unavailable for two weekends due to other commitments, but I had already informed the secretary that I was available when asked earlier. Now, I’ll likely have to turn down an appointment that I had initially accepted. Surely there’s a better system in place to manage availability?

Just to add to the second point, I fully appreciate that being a referee secretary is a thankless and challenging task. However, I’m not in a situation where I can commit to refereeing every weekend. I still want to contribute to the sport when I can and enjoy refereeing, but I also have a life outside of football. It almost feels easier to offer my services directly to a club and referee as needed rather than risk inconveniencing a secretary.
Either give alternative weekends to each league, or give them both the dates but close with the other the very second you get an appointment.

No appointments officer minds referees coming off games because something comes up, that is just inevitable. Where they get annoyed is when the reason for coming off a game is ridiculous, things like it is my wedding anniversary or kid's birthday. They aren't unexpected events, the dates don't change each year, so if you haven't closed the dates it is going to wind people up as it just creates more work, it is just lazy and bad administration. And not just for the RefsSec, but also the clubs as they have to keep confirming with different replacement referees.
Going through this with the County league system.

Basically our 2 leagues below the county league release availability early (as in I have been asked for my October availability yesterday) and they easily achieve 100% coverage.

But the County league tends to ask availability in the 3rd week of the month. Then you are unlikely to get many appointments. So for example this month, I got 1. Meaning if I want to pick up more games, I pretty much am left with cancellations.

Not to add the issues with the Supply league doing everything through MOAS, so games just come out of nowhere.

All fun and games.

My approach for your situation was below:

1. Open availability to the league you prefer. If they don't appoint you to fixtures on all the dates email the other league asking if they have availability on xyz date.

2. Email the Sec when your availability closes as soon as it does, if it is before you are appointed, you are bulletproof. If you've already been appointed, I tend to drop messages in our RAs group chat and message a friend or two to see if they have availability. Pretty nice to email the sec back saying, I can't do xyz fixture, but my qualified mate can. But don't wait long, email them ASAP that you can't do the fixture.
Look at the coverage on the league I suspect if the youth leagu is a decent size then it will always have unnappointed games. If that's the case give the adult Sunday league all your availability and pick up youth games when you don't get an adult one.

My local Sunday youth league, you could pick up 2 game on the Sunday morning if you wanted.
My county - we give our closed dates to the central appointments officer. He then allocates you to leagues on the days you’re available. That’s it. There’s no telling which leagues when you’re available all the time (of course - some circumstances are expected) but it’s quite easy on our part.
My county - we give our closed dates to the central appointments officer. He then allocates you to leagues on the days you’re available. That’s it. There’s no telling which leagues when you’re available all the time (of course - some circumstances are expected) but it’s quite easy on our part.
Same here. All appointments done by one appointments officer. One lot of dates to manage (2 if you also have to manage MOAS).
Do you want to do two games a day? Or just one? What would you prefer?

If one... then say to AptSecs, I'll do Sunday 1+2 for Youth, Sunday 3+4 for OA (or whatever) during the month. If you can and want to do two matches on a Sunday, then pick one league to commit to - either a morning mens, then ask youth afternoon for ad hoc local, or vice versa. Being open to everyone all the time WILL lead to problems.

Diary management, my friend.

You're going to have to say 'no' to someone, and if free, change that into "if you've got anything at X o'clock near pitch Y" nearer the time.