All refs to face fitness tests?


New Member
Hi Folks, whilst at at tournament today, there was talk that from next season (25/26) , all refs, irrespective of levels will have to undertake some form of fitness test?

Might be a lot of nonsense but has anyone else heard anything? Cheers
A&H International
I have heard this in the past but I doubt it will be introduced because The FA are always talking about struggling with retention of officials and this won’t help grassroots. It will improve the fitness levels of officials overall, but there are many officials who probably wouldn’t pass if it was even close to the level 4 testing.
I highly doubt that it will be mandatory fitness testing for all. There are 20k+ referees and the logistics in testing everyone is not worth the reward of doing so especially considering the risk to retention numbers.

It may be that there was a misunderstanding and it was in relation to refereeing or assisting at a certain level/league and mandatory fitness test is being implemented for that specific league? Our Step 7 league here has a fitness test to be considered for middles on the league so that may be what the conversation was about.
I think what James said would make more sense. I know my (most) local step 7 league only consider you for middles if you demonstrate a sufficient fitness level in the division below first. This is probably the more likely scenario.
Absolutely no chance, they'd lose 50% of referees. They won't even introduce a mandatory LoTG exam for fear of losing referees, and the impact of that would be vastly less than a fitness test.